Seeing as it's the British Grand Prix next weekend it's appropriate for me to write this thread really, because while I haven't been to many races (I am only 16 after all) but the British Grand Prix 3 years ago definetely left a mark. Bronze tickets at Copse Terrace for the weekend but the ticket allowed free access to the entire circuit on the Friday, something I took advantage of as most of Friday I was up at the 'stadium' section at the end of the lap and down the main straight, for the Saturday I moved down to the terraces on a sunny Saturday (apart from a short shower between Q1 and Q2). However it is Sunday that will remain memorable for a number of reasons, the downpour on Sunday morning when it was pretty much raining sideways, during the GP2 race and Supercup races I literally had to have an umbrella above AND in front to keep out the rain and wind. And then came the race, The place nearly erupted when Hamilton made up 2 places at the start into turn 1 and then taking Heikki soon after, the strategy in the terrace was when to use the UDS (Umbrella Deployment System) as heavy showers came and went (like Massa on the track really). But the track was like a party on the last lap and it was if Hamilton had won the championship when he crossed the finish line to win. All in all it was a fantastic weekend, including staying after the race watching the classic race while all the stuff dried out and listening to the Wimbledon final on the radio as it took 4 hours to get out of the car park.
So it would be great to hear other experiences of other great (or even famous) races/weekends that you've attended
So it would be great to hear other experiences of other great (or even famous) races/weekends that you've attended