BBC to axe F1 from 2013? Confirmed - F1 will be on Sky from 2012

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Anyone heard how long the highlights will be?

Something like 45 minutes wouldn't be so bad.

Also, what time? 7pm on the sunday again wouldn't be unbearable

Though it could be a 20 minute package late tuesday night for all we know.
Interesting tweet from Martin Brundle. At least he has spoken his mind and not been "politically correct" like all the other BBC guys seem to have been so far.

MBrundleF1 - BBC/Sky/F1 2012+. Found out last night, no idea how it will work yet I'm out of contract, will calmly work through options Not impressed
That meeting between Bernie and FOTA in full (with greatful thanks to News Corp)

FOTA - "Look here Bernie, what's all this about coverage going PPV in the UK?"

Bernie - "Nothing to do with me?"

FOTA - "Really, but you own the rights to the coverage"

Bernie - "Yeah, but they paid the money they take the choice"

FOTA - "Well isn't all this against the Concorde Agreement?"

Bernie - "Would be if you'd actually signed one"

FOTA - "Ah oops, well what about all the sponsorship we could loose?"

Bernie - "How about I chuck a few extra quid in your Christmas bonus"

FOTA - "Perfect, right that's sorted then"

FOTA OFFICIAL STATEMENT "Having met with representatives from FOM, FOTA has been assured that this new arrangement represents the best possible deal for the fans and marks a new era in motorsport coverage"

THE END (Of F1?)
I guess Brundle would be targeted by SKY for their 100% coverage - they must be aware how well-regarded he is by all the fans, and it would certainly lend the SKY coverage some legitimacy, much like when ITV had Murray move across to them when they originally took over.

Just imagine if SKY employed Johnathan Legard though...:o
Just imagine if SKY employed Johnathan Legard though...:o

If sky did that, I think Brundle would be running as fast as he could in the opposite direction.
In all seriousness though, I hope Brundle stays to the moral high ground and refuses to sign up with Sky.
My hatred of Sky is that I have never seen anything worthwhile on their channels. Its just repeats, tat, and repeats of tat. Even now I only wan't to watch the F1, but must pay out money for a basic subscription, and the sports package which will cost about £40, and putting up with adverts! I haven't missed a single live race in seven years, I have got up at 3.30 am, if sky think they can stop me watching F1 they have another thing coming.

There's blood on your hands Mr Ecclestone!
My hatred of Sky is that I have never seen anything worthwhile on their channels.
Off topic but I'd have to disagree with that.

F1 is one of the only things we watch on the main terrestrial channels.
The rest is Sky1, Sy Fy, Atlantic or the movie channels.
I watch very few of Sky's own channels, e.g. Sky 1, Sky Atlantic, but I do watch a lot of the Science and Nature channels. The beauty of Sky is there is a lot of good stuff on there that isn't just simply imported from the US. The downside is, it often comes at a premium.
My friend just emailed me this
"Glad that F1 is coming to sky, they are really good at making boring sports interesting. That means their list of boring sports will include fishing (Fish O' Mania XXVII), Darts, snooker and F1"

I cannot publish the reply he got as the swear filter will overload and bring the site down.
No doubt when there is a breaking news story Sky will scroll it across the bottom of the screen in a huge red ticker.

There will also be "helpful reminders" which pop up occasionally for other programs.

I'm just looking forward to seeing what they do with the swooshy sounds effects and graphics :rolleyes:

It's like the difference between a broadsheet and a tabloid.
Anyone heard how long the highlights will be?

Something like 45 minutes wouldn't be so bad.

Also, what time? 7pm on the sunday again wouldn't be unbearable

Though it could be a 20 minute package late tuesday night for all we know.

As an avid F1 Fan (since childhood) I cannot agree with this.

Highlights are bad, no matter how it's spun. I'll probably hear/see/read the result before they come on and for me personally the F1 weekend has become something I really like to spend time on; mulling over.

20-45 minute highlights at any time is just not good enough.

This is all absolute shite. I normally try to be a little more eloquent but I cannot contain my vitriol about this news.

Please sign this Petition to keep it on the BBC, if enough people sign it hopefully someone will see sense:

It was only made an hour ago and already has 1,400 signatures, also anyone with Twitter could they possibly post it on Martin Brundle's account please?

One more request could members with accounts on other F1 Forums l post this link on their sites please.

My notes where apparently too long, as I was ranting away...can't even have a good rant at the BBC even when signiing a petition!
Please sign this Petition to keep it on the BBC, if enough people sign it hopefully someone will see sense:

It was only made an hour ago and already has 1,400 signatures, also anyone with Twitter could they possibly post it on Martin Brundle's account please?

One more request could members with accounts on other F1 Forums l post this link on their sites please.

My notes where apparently too long, as I was ranting away...can't even have a good rant at the BBC even when signiing a petition!

Someone please do that!
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