BBC to axe F1 from 2013? Confirmed - F1 will be on Sky from 2012

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As a freeview customer, i did the maths about getting one of those topup things you can get now for some form of sports package.

I have to pay £400+ a year for 1 Sky channel. So even even if sold my arse on a street corner to sell my soul to the Devil. Id still be buggered if it shown on Sky Sports 2.

And i am not watching what the BBC chooses whAT they think i like. even if i only miss half an hour of racing.

Hmmmm running out of options here.
Work out the calculation between the cost of beer watching it down the pub AMR and getting "Top up TV" or whatever it is.
If you want an outlook on what TV can cost for what I would say is your standard UK family (2 kids). I currently pay £78 a month, that's Sky (Sports no Movies) & ESPN, it's got HD on it and we have multi room in 1 bedroom. In the next 6 months having multiroom put in 2 more rooms (den & lad's bedroom) and this will then take me to £98. That just leaves the daughter's bedroom, so in the next year when she gets that (cause her big brother has it) I'll be paying £108 a month, or a whopping £1,296 a year to watch TV. & don't think we are like the Royle family, it's not all sit down for hours on end it's very rare we do that. It's just I want to have the choice for me & my family, unfortunately it costs like everything else.

Always look at it another way, I can fill the tank up of my car and spend the equivalent of a months TV and not think anything of it.
.... You have to ask the question - how many casual viewers will actually watch a race when they already know the result? Just look at the ratings for the "delayed" coverage of t late night races - it's usually substantially lower than the live coverage at a similar time!...
Work out the calculation between the cost of beer watching it down the pub AMR and getting "Top up TV" or whatever it is.

Will the pubs pick F1 up?? not something i can imagane gathering the punters so to speak, show a pub that's open at 5am showing the early races the BBC don't pick up and you have a Best freind for life :snigger:
.... You have to ask the question - how many casual viewers will actually watch a race when they already know the result? Just look at the ratings for the "delayed" coverage of t late night races - it's usually substantially lower than the live coverage at a similar time!...
If you like me are watching the South Korean GP, I've watched the race, but @ the same time I've also made coffee for me & the wife, done last night's dishes, made breakfast for the kids and then let the lad play on the XBox and watched the rest of the GP in the office......& I've missed no the answer to casual viewers will be not many, as with media today they'll know the result, 1st Vettel, 2nd A N Other.....
Will the pubs pick F1 up?? not something i can imagane gathering the punters so to speak, show a pub that's open at 5am showing the early races the BBC don't pick up and you have a Best freind for life:snigger:
Pubs are struggling as it is, you don't want to add any more nails......again to put the finances in prospective. My local it's £2.75 for a pint, the local supermarket I can buy 15 cans of beer (same stuff) for £9.99 or 11.6 pints, or that's £0.86 a pint & it's not like if I go to the pub I don't have to pay for TV @ home, I still have to pay for that.......doom & gloom.....
According to Brundle's twitter, he has had offers from both BBC and Sky, hasn't decided who to go with, but said he will be commentating next year.
I not happy with all this crap, I’m not happy with the BBC I wish they’d stop making out like they’ve done us a favour and apologise that the situation is bad but its not solely their fault, it’s the absolutely ridiculous hosting fees charged by Bernie. How can a public funded company be expected to pay such vast amounts of money out when also expected to make cuts?

I really hope the viewing figures take a massive nose dive next year and SKY make a huge loss, and I hope it costs F1 itself a lot of money and especially Bernie and co. It’s the only way they’ll care, if the greed actually costs them money.

But in reality the only people that will lose out is the viewers.

Rant over! for now.
It won't cost Bernie a penny no matter what happens to the viewers numbers.

He has already been paid for the various contracts for both the television rights and grands prix.
Yup, and Britain is only one market and not the biggest, we’re just a number to him. We’re his worker ants bringing his money to his nest. If we go, there’s always more ants.
I read at the weekend that Al-Jazeera are looking to muscle in on Sky's Premier League coverage, which may well hurt their bank-balance. Seeing as the financial backing for Al-Jazeera is based on Gulf Oil Wealth, I find it hard to believe that they won't succeed.
Although I couldn't care less about football, it's almost the raison d'etre for Sky Sports' existence, so I could see the pain of losing a significant portion of their Football income being passed-on to those few F1 fans who remain on Sky.

Which means audiences will certainly dwindle - I wonder if we'll see F1 back on FTA in a couple of years or so?
I think SKY will do everything in their power to ruin F1 on the BBC, such as buying the best presenters/commentators by offering them double the money they get on the BBC etc etc. Why would they sit back and let the same program be aired on free TV that they are charging for without a fight?

So it wont be shared for long, it will either go all SKY or all back to normal TV.
:o I wish it was that cheap here!. You can add at least £1.00 to that figure where I live.
OMG, that's £3.85 a pint, so tired with the costs @ the local I've started outsource with a retail outlet called 'A SD a', who can provide me aluminium encased beer @ £0.84 a pint. Trial period is progressing well, especially as I can hold the remote control..

As for TV coverage, one thing that is worrying me is ADVERTS, the scurge of's 3 laps to go Hamilton is drafting Vettle down the straight..............You can Interest free Credit @ DFS is you buy a sofa before Christmas with free delivery....
There will be no adverts in the Sky coverage.
Have you got that in writing? I'd check the fine print before I trust Sky! We may not get Adverts as in cutting to a £399 sofa, but we may have banners scrolling across the screen advertising a £3 subway footlong, Honda's latest niche logo & a woman on roller skates advertising Panty Liners...................
Have you got that in writing? I'd check the fine print before I trust Sky! We may not get Adverts as in cutting to a £399 sofa, but we may have banners scrolling across the screen advertising a £3 subway footlong, Honda's latest niche logo & a woman on roller skates advertising Panty Liners...................
I think they have a video saying it on - but I'm still not going to watch Sky - even if Brundle is on it.
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