BBC to axe F1 from 2013? Confirmed - F1 will be on Sky from 2012

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Put it this way, if the BBC was a private company, the shareholders would be demanding an explanation and it's quite possible the board members would be struggling to survive at the next AGM.

Sadly although we fund it, we're not shareholders and have no say at all in how it's run, or how the money is spent.

True, but if this were a private company, the share holders would also be expecting value for money and I don't think what Bernie provides fits that bill. F1 at all costs is not a policy many companies would adopt.
I get the feeling that many are already resigned to the 'inevitibility' of this and have already given up. Exactly what they (FOM and Sky) wanted and expected. *sigh*

Keep up the protest folks. I know I will in one way or another.
True enough jez, but perhaps they would have negotiated a better deal in the first place, or done a proper cost analysis before bidding for it in the first place.
Bernie is leaving, selling out for the last time, don't think his sprogs are interested in an F1 dynasty

Sky have wanted to move from mere broadcasting to owning an entire sport for ages, they wanted Man U to cement their takeover of EPL coverage but weren't allowed to

It's the end of an era, not agreeable but inevitable, The future is a hundred channels for F1, where we can change to any of the cameras on each car etc etc
F1 real time data lends itself to stupendous possibilities, Sky backed the wrong horse with A1GP but might have struck gold with F1 if they are willing to embrace technology and spend big even with a monopoly

Unfortunately just like with EPL instead of the technological amazing we will get some pundit Francis scribbling on a low rent whiteboard

The Internet could render tv broadcasting useless in a few years anyway, maybe CTA need to look at the future where F1 viewing is online, instead of just bitching about races we could be watching them here
True enough jez, but perhaps they would have negotiated a better deal in the first place, or done a proper cost analysis before bidding for it in the first place.
I agree, Bernie must have nearly had their hand off with getting a six year revenue deal from a second fiddle outfit - I hope the beeb got an audience commitment!
That Autosport article made it pretty clear that Sky wanted F1 badly, Bernie must have been rubbing his hands with glee over that when they came calling.
You can't blame BBC? That could be true....

But what I would like to point out is, if they knew they were struggling for costs (which they have known for a while), why show practices sessions, classic F1, or the Forum (which gets pointless by each day), and then why have two commentray teams on top of that?

They then also have pointless build ups in qualifying and race recently, their quality of build ups has just went down massively as much as I love to watch build ups in sports, most notably for F1, their build ups have been really poor, especially this season.

They saw ITV struggling with just qualifying and the race itself, they should have looked at them and learned something.

And having two channels which start at 7pm is beyond me, merge them...

I am not happy on how BBC have went away with this, nor Bernie who can't take a price slash even though he's billionaire (selfish :censored:), can't say anything about Sky they did what anyone else would do if they had the money, but if Sky wasn't bidding maybe then Bernie would have taken a price cut :thinking:
ive awoken from my haitus just to say this.

22 years old, been watching since 1994, not missed a grand prix since 97, watched 90% of qualifying during that at least 50% of all the practice sessions shown on TV/pnline.

Well its over, a huge passion dissapeared into thin air in an instant. And if Bernie deals with online streams like he does with youtube, Thats not an option either.

its not a case of i dont want to pay. I work my sorry little ass into the gorund to scrape by in life and i simply cannot afford to pay.

BBC, take your TV license and shove it where the sun don't shine, theres not much else worth watching on it. ...... Of course i would do it myself but id get prosecuted for that wouldn't I.
That's very smart work by Autosport to get that article done so quickly. I hope they didn't know before Brundle did.

Something is rotten in the kingdom of Haymarket...

I've been thinking the same thing about Autosport for some time now.

I actually read an article earlier in the sesaon (no names no pack drill!!) that stated that the new tyres degraded far to quickly and that F1 shouldn't be about tyre management !!!

Ah well, perhaps I'll just stick to Motorsport.
Bernie sold out F1 to Rupert Murdoch..this is his last act before he retires with a nice big pension or is buried six feet under !

Having agreed a deal with Sky it means what he said previously about not selling to News Corp is hollow words.

Sky will own F1 in the future I can see it coming and the teams may be able to haggle more money from them just like Premiership football clubs did in setting up the premier league

Barbara Slater head of BBC said it was to protect the other crown jewels such as Wimbledon and the Open..well they should get rid of some of the reality TV programmes they show

Absolute disgrace and a two finger gesture to all the fans who follow F1
Further to my last: This from Keith Huewen's website (Sky sports presenter and author of the Autosport article)


It's the deal of the decade for Sky Sports as Formula One agrees a deal from 2012 to 2018! I can't wait to get to the office. Check 'Opinion' above. I wrote it for Autosport website last week before news broke. It never made it to the website but a new version is now on the Autosport site!

Well that's interesting, He wrote about it last week. Hmmm
Further to my last: This from Keith Huewen's website (Sky sports presenter and author of the Autosport article)

Well that's interesting, He wrote about it last week. Hmmm

If I were a cynical man, I'd think that this was a done deal before anyone else even arrived to negotiate. Then Bernie cuts a deal with the BBC, who think they're getting access to F1 at a reduced rate. Bernie wins twice, with two UK broadcasters showing F1 and he has a sop to the teams shouting about the Concorde Agreement and FTA TV.

Just as well I'm not a cynical man
Yet again the statement from Whitmarsh and Ecclestone that the BBC will show the full races deferred is called into question.

First the subject of what the BBC will show on the 10 weekends when SKY has the exclusive live rights. Although FOTA chairman Martin Whitmarsh says he has had assurances from Bernie Ecclestone today that the race will be shown in its entirety a few hours delayed on free to air, BBC sources say that this is not the case and that the show will be around 75 minutes, meaning extended highlights with brief introduction and post race analysis.

So either Whitmarsh is taking a leaf from Ecclestone’s book and spreading confusion, or he’s taking a negotiating stance, suggesting that the scenario he paints is what would be acceptable to the teams under the Concorde Agreement, which safeguards their interests against F1 going live on Free to Air TV exclusively.

But seriously though I'm pretty upset about this.
As an American who has always paid fees for less than first rate F1 coverage, I do understand everyone's loss and their concerns. I agree that BBC does great work, and I pay a fee to get "BBC America" delivered via my pay subscription service here in the States.

BBC America costs me about $1.52 USD per week, or about £1.00 per week. I do not know what the UK tariff is for BBC, but I probably pay a comparable fee when compared to a resident in the UK. And, we get zero F1 coverage with our deal. We get nothing live, only recaps.

I pay the fee because I value the coverage. But, I have the choice to take it or leave it. You guys in the UK do not have that choice.

I guess that is what I find a bit odd. I choose to pay, but can opt out. You do not choose to pay and cannot opt out.
Yet again the statement from Whitmarsh and Ecclestone that the BBC will show the full races deferred is called into question.
Yes. I heard a Radio 5 Live interview with Bernie last night, in which he said, when the interviewer put Whitmarsh's statement to him about being assured that the shows would be full-race re-runs, 'That's what I told him, yes', but afterwards saying it still hadn't been finalised and that he (Bernie) preferred an hour long highlights show, saying that would be more interesting for the viewers and would fit better into an evening TV schedule.

Yeah, right Bernie.
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