BBC Sports Personality Of the Year 2013


Super Hero And All Round Good Guy
About a month to go. December 15th before the big show.
Short list should be out at the end of November.

So who do you think should be in the running this year ?
I would say A.P. McCoy should be in the running for taking his 4000th win.
Makes a change from last year, from many athletes deserving an award I can't really think of anyone who has really stood out this year. If England win the Rugby League world cup on the 30th of November then surely the team captain Kevin Sinfield would deserve a mention.
It'll be Murray - first British Wimbledon winner since Fred Perry so he's a shoe in. It'll be useful as his acceptance speech will help put me to sleep.
Well this would be a good year to introduce the concept of personality into BBC Sports Personality of the year!
It is going to be Murray.

Froome is a decent contender, one of the Lions will probably be nominated and the RL World Cup result will have an effect. Depending on the next few weeks, English cricketers could join the list - a century for The Sledgehammer of Eternal Justice in Australia gets him on the list, and Justin Rose won a major.

Murray, however, it will be.
Kind of defeats the title "Personality" doesn't it? They'd be better off calling it "Sports Celebrity of the Year", or "Britain's got Sport", or even "Sport Factor", "Celebrity Come Sporting"...I could go on, you know!

It lost any spark of relevance for me when Giggs got the prize over JB, frankly.
The trouble is that to get to the top of the game, means hours of practice, day after day for years on end, which doesn't do a lot for making a well rounded personality, or any personality at all.
I liked Murrays documentary. Really showed he has character.

I forget which comedian it was but they likened Murrays after match interviews with that of an office worker being asked how their photocopying went today. Its just not that easy to come up with amazing sound bites on something you do day in day out.
He might be a picky eater (?) but I do think he has a sense of humour and a certain intelligence - so happy to have him at my house - a few bevies and we would have a whale of a time!
I wasn't saying Murray is boring I'm saying the actual program is boring as is every crappy pat yourself on the back for doing the job you love program such as the Oscars look at me aren't I adorable and all that shit...
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Not surprising to see the clamour on here for a "personality" to win the award given that Murray's almost a certainty to bag it. If anyone who inexplicably hates him actually bothered to watch the BBC documentary that was on prior to Wimbledon then you would see he's a top guy who knows how to have a laugh off the court. I don't know if anyone noticed but he also witnessed a load of his classmates getting gunned down when he was a wee boy so apologies if he isn't permanently grinning like a Cheshire cat.
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