Pre-Season Barcelona Test - 8th to 12th March

	Team		Driver	Time	Laps	Time Of Day
1 Williams MAL 132.673 1 3/12/2011 9:32:05 AM
2 Mercedes GP MSC 147.173 1 3/12/2011 9:17:33 AM
Rubens Barrichello's Race Simulation from yesterday:
24 	---- 	
25 1:30.751
26 1:30.227 -0.524
27 1:31.025 +0.798
28 1:31.079 +0.054
29 1:31.914 +0.835
30 1:31.989 +0.075
31 1:32.178 +0.189
32 1:32.186 +0.008
33 1:32.759 +0.573
34 1:33.523 +0.764
35 ----
36 1:33.523
37 1:31.309 -2.214
38 1:32.050 +0.741
39 1:31.651 -0.399
40 1:31.765 +0.114
41 1:31.636 -0.129
42 1:31.429 -0.207
43 1:31.731 +0.302
44 1:31.525 -0.206
45 1:31.536 +0.011
46 1:31.414 -0.122
47 1:31.458 +0.044
48 1:31.600 +0.142
49 1:31.942 +0.342
50 1:32.365 +0.423
51 ----
52 1:32.365
53 1:30.864 -1.501
54 1:30.844 -0.02
55 1:31.644 +0.8
56 1:30.799 -0.845
57 1:30.904 +0.105
58 1:30.993 +0.089
59 1:31.060 +0.067
60 1:31.914 +0.854
61 1:30.751 -1.163
62 1:30.965 +0.214
63 1:31.210 +0.245
64 1:31.990 +0.78
65 ----
66 1:31.990
67 1:29.952 -2.038
68 1:30.020 +0.068
69 1:29.468 -0.552
70 1:29.618 +0.15
71 1:31.070 +1.452
72 1:30.083 -0.987
73 1:30.162 +0.079
74 1:29.828 -0.334
75 1:30.235 +0.407
76 1:30.317 +0.082
77 1:30.690 +0.373
78 1:31.000 +0.31
79 ----
80 1:31.000
81 1:29.786 -1.214
82 1:29.631 -0.155
83 1:28.265 -1.366
84 1:28.217 -0.048
85 1:28.458 +0.241
86 1:28.447 -0.011
87 1:28.653 +0.206
88 1:28.094 -0.559
89 ----
That last stint of Ruben's doesn't look too bad.

On the subject of strategies, four stops is all very well (five sets of tyres in one race! Is that crazy or what?) but will they have enough sets of tyres for that? By my reckoning they will have four sets of primes and four of the options to cover P3, qualifying and the race. But one set of those must be handed back to the supplier prior to Q1.
I guess some might end up having to use at least two sets of the options in the race. Is there any data on which compounds they've been running the sims on?
Be different tyres with different set ups I would imagine, do we know if the Pit Stop were race Pit Stops or if Rubens spent a little longer and they changed a few settings whilst on the pit tarmas?
Be different tyres with different set ups I would imagine, do we know if the Pit Stop were race Pit Stops or if Rubens spent a little longer and they changed a few settings whilst on the pit tarmas?
The stops were all made within a usual space of time. He certainly didn't stop for any extended periods.
You can't see Rubens times from yesterday but you can get an idea of how there is a fairly graphical illustration of the laps with any large gaps showing up quite clearly.

I have copies of yesterday and the day before so I did have a quick check.
	Team		Driver	Time	Laps	Time Of Day
1 Williams MAL 132.673 1 3/12/2011 9:32:05 AM
2 Ferrari ALO 145.1 5 3/12/2011 10:11:30 AM
3 Mercedes GP MSC 147.173 4 3/12/2011 9:17:33 AM
Some of the race simulations from both the Barcelona tests:

Barrichello	Alonso		Massa		Kobaya		Ambrosio	Webber		Massa
01:30.751 01:29.630 03:08.579 01:30.532 01:35.991 01:30.497 01:31.409
01:30.227 01:29.322 01:29.398 01:29.885 01:35.116 01:29.774 01:31.021
01:31.025 01:29.339 01:29.017 01:30.625 01:34.346 01:29.875 01:31.654
01:31.079 01:29.675 01:29.911 01:31.574 01:34.255 01:30.196 01:31.407
01:31.914 01:29.591 01:29.508 01:30.809 01:34.492 01:31.404 01:31.550
01:31.989 01:30.117 01:29.978 01:31.087 01:34.735 01:32.058 01:32.125
01:32.178 01:30.020 01:31.196 01:31.567 01:34.639 01:32.025 01:32.141
01:32.186 01:30.462 01:30.549 01:32.453 01:35.319 01:32.473 01:31.583
01:32.759 ---- 01:30.830 ---- 01:35.627 01:33.268 01:37.390
01:33.523 ---- ---- ---- 01:36.578 ---- 01:32.492
---- 01:28.849 ---- 01:30.428 01:36.430 ---- 01:32.521
---- 01:28.950 01:29.131 01:30.517 01:38.290 01:27.457 01:32.624
01:31.309 01:28.653 01:29.161 01:31.168 01:39.383 01:27.993 01:32.800
01:32.050 01:29.051 01:29.375 01:31.260 01:38.847 01:28.969 01:32.990
01:31.651 01:29.307 01:29.817 01:31.784 ---- 01:29.834 01:33.893
01:31.765 01:30.796 01:30.112 01:31.511 ---- 01:30.212 01:33.967
01:31.636 01:29.559 01:29.786 01:33.486 01:33.474 01:30.879 01:34.406
01:31.429 01:30.026 01:30.637 01:32.800 01:33.305 01:31.176 ----
01:31.731 01:30.386 01:29.711 01:35.456 01:33.478 01:31.369 ----
01:31.525 01:30.102 01:30.674 01:33.033 01:33.151 01:31.957 01:29.289
01:31.536 01:30.767 01:31.181 ---- 01:35.049 01:32.406 01:28.639
01:31.414 01:30.743 01:31.267 ---- 01:33.859 01:32.636 01:33.876
01:31.458 01:30.920 01:31.555 01:30.089 01:33.700 01:33.251 01:29.749
01:31.600 ---- 01:32.254 01:30.293 01:33.870 01:33.639 01:30.024
01:31.942 ---- 01:32.634 01:30.539 01:35.012 ---- 01:30.092
01:32.365 01:27.255 ---- 01:30.742 01:34.929 ---- 01:30.018
---- 01:28.427 ---- 01:31.881 01:35.038 01:29.941 01:29.991
---- 01:27.470 01:29.337 01:31.231 01:36.131 01:29.678 01:30.178
01:30.864 01:28.143 01:29.157 01:31.779 ---- 01:29.853 01:30.287
01:30.844 01:30.392 01:28.988 01:32.116 ---- 01:30.345 01:30.345
01:31.644 01:27.907 01:29.318 01:32.817 01:33.523 01:30.818 01:30.758
01:30.799 01:28.110 01:29.468 01:33.821 01:32.379 01:30.246 01:31.459
01:30.904 01:28.005 01:29.551 ---- 01:32.792 01:30.864 01:31.874
01:30.993 01:28.441 01:29.751 ---- 01:34.295 01:30.431 01:32.471
01:31.060 01:28.676 01:30.173 01:28.550 01:33.239 01:30.600 ----
01:31.914 01:28.796 01:30.689 01:28.839 01:32.943 01:30.770 ----
01:30.751 01:29.163 01:30.935 01:29.347 01:33.285 01:30.613 01:28.227
01:30.965 ---- ---- 01:29.579 01:32.951 01:32.648 01:36.578
01:31.210 ---- ---- 01:29.536 01:33.303 01:31.842 01:27.835
01:31.990 01:27.320 01:28.748 01:29.747 01:33.771 01:31.337 01:28.118
---- 01:27.477 01:28.828 01:30.461 ---- 01:31.140 01:28.302
---- 01:49.591 01:29.093 01:30.912 ---- 01:32.396 01:28.702
01:29.952 01:56.505 01:28.392 01:30.259 01:31.008 01:32.545 01:29.071
01:30.020 01:27.617 01:29.867 01:31.039 01:31.630 01:32.364 01:28.947
01:29.468 01:27.205 01:29.269 01:32.152 01:32.400 01:33.610 01:28.981
01:29.618 01:27.623 01:30.242 ---- 01:32.162 01:33.249 01:29.302
01:31.070 01:27.674 01:29.514 01:47.460 01:32.163 ---- 01:29.288
01:30.083 01:27.897 01:29.733 01:27.319 01:32.599 ---- 01:29.495
01:30.162 01:28.030 01:29.915 01:27.382 01:34.134 01:24.995 01:29.966
01:29.828 ---- 01:30.322 01:27.299 01:34.258 01:28.324 01:30.148
01:30.235 ---- 01:30.996 01:27.848 01:33.556 01:29.115 ----
01:30.317 01:25.510 ---- ---- 01:34.346 01:28.402 ----
01:30.690 01:25.958 ---- Broke down 01:34.634 01:28.341 01:31.551
01:31.000 Red Flag 01:26.898 01:35.650 01:28.375 01:26.508
---- 01:25.958 01:27.197 01:38.793 01:29.036 01:26.990
---- 01:26.716 01:27.319 ---- 01:28.564 01:31.452
01:29.786 01:26.151 01:27.516 ---- 01:29.046 01:27.358
01:29.631 01:26.094 01:27.726 ---- 01:29.465 01:27.465
01:28.265 01:26.450 01:29.559 01:30.578 01:28.664 01:27.665
01:28.217 01:26.761 01:28.322 01:28.374 01:29.138 01:28.348
01:28.458 01:26.961 01:28.641 01:28.884 01:32.022 01:28.473
01:28.447 01:26.915 01:28.764 01:28.620 01:29.261 01:28.962
01:28.653 01:27.186 01:29.660 01:29.700 01:30.155 01:32.195
01:28.094 ---- 01:29.784 01:29.344 01:29.862 01:28.080
---- 01:30.163 ---- 01:30.341 01:28.140
01:30.952 01:30.752 ----
---- ----
Eventually Lewis sneaks out of the pitlane and potters round - as the rain increases in intensity - to complete an installation lap.
	Team		Driver	Time	Laps	Time Of Day
1 Williams MAL 132.673 1 3/12/2011 9:32:05 AM
2 McLaren HAM 143.409 1 3/12/2011 11:35:04 AM
3 Ferrari ALO 145.1 5 3/12/2011 10:11:30 AM
4 Mercedes GP MSC 147.173 5 3/12/2011 9:17:33 AM

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