Pre-GP Quiz 2014 Post Belgian GP Quiz (oops)


Not my cup of cake
Valued Member
1. Who's this handsome chap?

quiz 1.jpg

Eric van de Poele

2. Belgium have given us 1 Grand Prix team, can you name them?

ENB or Equipe Nationale Belge who took part at just one GP - Germany in 1962

3. Who was the last Belgian driver to take part in a GP?

Jerome d'Ambrosio

4. Jacky Ickx is, by a long way, Belgium's most successful F1 driver. Of his 8 wins 6 were in Ferrari, which other constructor did he win races for?

Brabham, in Canada and Germany in 1969

I'm running out of obscure Belgian facts so here are some Benelux questions

5. Who are the only car constructor from the Netherlands?


6. Max Verstappen may be about to make his début in F1 but did his Dad make it to 100 GP's?

Yes, he took part in 107 races

7. Between the Benelux nations home many GP's have they hosted since 1950? 1/2 a point if 5 either way.

91 in total - 59 for Belgium, 30 for the Netherlands and 2 for Luxembourg

8. Luxembourg has never given us an F1 driver. What is the only other country beginning with L to have given us an F1 driver and who was he? 1/2 a point for each.

Lichtenstein and Rikki von Opel

9. The Belgian GP has been held at 3 circuits. Spa is the daddy but where are the other two? 1/2 a point for each and, no, Belgium isn't an acceptable answer.

Zolder and Nivelles

10. The 1985 Belgian GP was rescheduled from June to September. Why?

The track had been resurfaced and fell to pieces so was too dangerous to race on

Sorry it's so late...
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