Grand Prix 2013 Monaco Grand Prix Practice, Qualifying & Race Discussion

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After the excitement of Spain the GP circus moves on to the glamour of Monaco, the longest serving race on the F1 calendar. Monaco, I'm sure, is probably the most testing circuit of the season for the drivers. Hurtling millimetres from unforgiving armco barriers at speeds of up to 180 mph, trying to wrestle 700 plus horsepower engines through tight and twisty corners with no hint of a run off area and having to cope with going from broad daylight into a tunnel with your foot planted hard to the floor before bursting back into the sunlight metres from probably the tightest chicane on any track, anywhere.

It is, almost certainly, the most marmite race on the season. Many love the glamour, the history and the challenge for the drivers. Others feel it is an anachronism in 21st century sport, that it is dangerous and doesn't show F1 at it's best with virtually no opportunity to overtake anywhere on the circuit. Whatever your feelings toward Monaco it isn't going anywhere soon and, I believe, is the only race which can thumb it's nose at FOM when they come along asking for money to allow the race to run. As important to Formula One as Ferrari apparently.

The battle at the top of the WDC leader board has closed up post Spain. Fernando Alonso & Ferrari were outstanding in the Catalan race and the team chose exactly the right tactics to help him win on home ground. Red Bull looked out of sorts, third best behind the Ferrari's and the Lotus Renaults (in Kimi Raikkonen's hands at least).

The tyres should probably not have quite so much of an influence on the racing in Monaco as they have in other races so far this season and Pirelli are planning changes to the rubber to give a maximum of 3 pit stops. Maybe this will help Mercedes, who appear to suffer most of the top teams with decaying rubber. Either that or Ross Brawn should remove the cheese graters Adrian Newey screwed on next to the tyres on the Merc when no one was looking.

If Mercedes manage to show the one lap pace they have elsewhere this season this could be their best chance for a win as they can lead a train around the track. However, it's hard to see past Alonso and, without some mistakes and mechanical failures, you can imagine he would have a VERY healthy lead in the drivers race by now. Perhaps the better driveability of the Renault engines will allow Lotus and Red Bull to mount a more serious challenge to Ferrari. Could someone like Force India spring a surprise, or McLaren? Sorry Macca fans, a little joke there. I shouldn't get your hopes up.

Meanwhile, down at the back. Aww, who cares as long as they get out of the way when being lapped, or get in the way depending on which driver arrives behind them. No safety cars so far this year, some how I'll be shocked if Monaco doesn't give Bert Mylander his first outing.

So Monaco, remember FP1 and 2 are on the Thursday as Friday is a religious holiday for Monegasques. Who'd have thought all those millionaires were so religious. Hope you all enjoy the race, or doing the ironing or gardening if it get's too dull/exciting (delete as appropriate).
Those qualy' laps and the balls out laps in the race are why I personally enjoy Monaco. Yes , the races are processional but I don't watch Monaco for the overtaking. I watch it because I derive satisfaction from witnessing great drivers in fantastic machines race against a great circuit. There is a thrill to seeing them get it right and it is exciting when they get wrong. The atmosphere there is second to none. Another interesting and sometimes even exciting feature is the work of the marshals. They are the best in the series clearing the debris following an incident with more speed and efficiency than anywhere else and it's quite something to watch them at work.

We will undoubtedly see some great laps in qualifying this year but I fear there won't be any stand-out laps in the race as tyre conservation will be the order of the day. Still, there will probably be more overtaking than anyone expects and maybe the odd sprint of an in-lap before a crucial pit stop ...:)
I don't watch Monaco for the overtaking. I watch it because I derive satisfaction from witnessing great drivers in fantastic machines race against a great circuit. There is a thrill to seeing them get it right and it is exciting when they get wrong.
This, this and this!!!!

One of the reasons its among my favourite races of the year in spite of the lack of overtaking opportunities.
I like to see the ladies at Monaco, I won't deny that it's an important part of the calendar. If it wasn't on the list for the championship F1 would be a lesser sport.
My view, and if you don't like it then that's OK. I don't mean it to be sexist but it is always as processional as we all expect it to be, if you expect it to be and then watch it then don't watch it. The race will still be run and won.
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