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One thing I never managed to finish was the logo.
What we have now has come in for quite a bit of criticism (you know who you are...).

Someone on another forum just posted this.

I thought a variation of that might be something worth exploring.
We can use the same font we have now and superimpose the site name on a circuit outline.
We could even have a different one for each race weekend ;)
I like the idea but it will take some time to implement.
Time which I don't have at the moment.

I'll see what I can come up with though...unless there are any designers reading?
Brogan said:
You just need to clear out your browser cache and history McZ :)

The favicon was changed a few days ago (and changed again for a better version yesterday)

Thanks! I've cleared my trash and the little tab is now synch'd! :D

Now I know what a favicon is! I was wondering what that was. :embarrassed:

(I like the idea of a track logo, but I'm not a designer...)
For what it's worth, I'm also using Firefox and I've had no problem staying logged in since Sunday. Both when I've just gone to another site and then come back to CTA, and also when I've turned my PC off overnight and come back the next day. Both scenarios I have stayed logged in... :)

Ever since I cleared out my browser cache & history, the little flavi-watsit is the new design but I no longer stay logged in! I used to, before I cleared my cache, but now when I came to this site just now, I've had to log back in, entering my password again! :blink:

Oh, the inconvenience! LOL
Ever since I cleared out my browser cache & history, the little flavi-watsit is the new design but I no longer stay logged in! I used to, before I cleared my cache, but now when I came to this site just now, I've had to log back in, entering my password again! :blink:

Oh, the inconvenience! LOL

It's OK, panic over. I'd forgotten to check the little box 'keep me logged in'!

Silly me!:embarrassed:
I thought that may be the case. Couldn't see why you would not include it otherwise. Strange they did not originally put it in since i would have thought that quite a basic bit of forum handiness, especially on very large forums.
Thanks chap:)
It's just the first draft so will likely change over time.

Naturally it will be updated after each race with the results and forthcoming race.

In the meantime I'll work on the graphics for the buttons - as you can see it's not my strong point LOL
Thanks chap:)
It's just the first draft so will likely change over time.

Naturally it will be updated after each race with the results and forthcoming race.

In the meantime I'll work on the graphics for the buttons - as you can see it's not my strong point LOL

One small change that needs to change is the Bahrain circuit layout. They've abandoned the longer version and the track is going back to its original layout.
One small change that needs to change is the Bahrain circuit layout. They've abandoned the longer version and the track is going back to its original layout.
Yes, I'm just waiting for the FIA to release all the new season circuit images and then I'll update them all.
Currently they're all from 2010, apart from Jaypee of course for which we don't have an image yet.
I've toned down the colours of the quote panels as they seemed a little overpowering to me.
I also noted that content using the pre tags was having additional (yellow) colour applied so I've changed that too.

Is that better or was it OK before?
Here's a good post for checking the colours:

Hmmm, now that I've seen them, I think they look a bit wishy washy now.
I'll revisit it in the morning.
I've updated the YouTube and Dailymotion embed code to use iframes.
This should work on all browsers and mobile devices which support HTML5, with a fallback to Flash for those that don't.

If anyone notices any problems with embedding or viewing, please let me know.
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