Announcement Welcome to the all-new Clip The Apex


Clip The Apex
You may have noticed a few changes since the last time you visited.

We are now running on brand new, state-of-the-art software, which supports many more features and functionality than the old software.

Make sure you check out some of the new features such as:
You can also "follow" people so whatever they post will show up on Your News Feed.

And of course we've still got Fantasy F1, Chat and a new and improved overtaking page.

Old avatars and signatures have disappeared. This is due to the move.
Feel free to upload a new avatar or create a new signature via Your Account. The new software supports much larger images and file sizes, giving you more choice over what image to use. You can also use your Gravatar, if you have one.
Currently there are no signature restrictions but please do not insert images as this just clutters up the threads.

Logging in via Facebook is now possible and you can also associate your accounts; you can do that here.

A new feature with the software is the ability to purchase Account Upgrades. This is primarily a way to raise funds for the ongoing costs associated with the site, but also it gives those members who purchase upgrades a few perks.
Currently the options are limited but they will increase as we add more features and functionality.
Of course, there is no obligation to purchase an upgrade and we will be very grateful to those of you who do.

There are too many features to list so we would recommend you have a good look around for yourself.
If you spot anything interesting and feel others would benefit knowing about it, please post it in this thread.

Things are by no means finished so over the coming weeks we will be adding new features and content.
There are also some things which no longer work as a result of the change, mainly to do with post formatting and BB Code; we are working on those and will get through them as time permits.

If you notice any bugs or problems, please report them in this thread. Feedback on the new design, layout, etc. is also welcome.

The new site has been optimised to work with Google Chrome. We would urge everyone to download and install it if at all possible. You can get it from here:

The site will work just as well in Firefox, some things just won’t look as good.
For those of you using Internet Explorer, unfortunately I have been forced to disable certain functionality due to it not complying with the standards as usual. You won’t miss out on anything important, but the new charts in the Race Hub won’t be visible, amongst other things.

We hope you like the new site.

P.S. Don't forget to Tweet or Recommend us using the new social media icons :)

P.P.S. A huge thanks to Galahad for doing all the circuit write-ups and statistics. The tables will be updated once the final driver line-up is known.
Most of the poll results seem to be messed up, a consequence of converting via intermediate software (phpBB -> vBulletin -> XenForo).

I could manually edit the results in the database but I think I'll just mark this down as a casualty of the move.
Wow love the new forum. It's so fast! Not used XenForo before. I heard about the lawsuit against them but never bothered to check it out! Looks as if the move went quite smoothly too. How long has it taken you Brogan?
Brogan, I just noticed while posting in another thread that when I typed the word 'expectation' or any other word containing the letter combination 'CTA', those three letters always appear as capitals, even though I type them in lower case. For instance, lactate and dictator.

I presume that there is a default setting that recognises the forum's abbreviated name and forces it into capitals, even when the leters form part of another word.

How long has it taken you Brogan?
Several months of planning and design and many, many extremely late nights/mornings.
The actual switch only took 2 hours for a double conversion from phpbb to vBulletin to XenForo (as there is no direct importer).

It went smooth all the way thanks to lots of tesing, although the host did cause a moment of panic...

Victor: Hi Paul
Victor: Hello and Welcome to Live Chat Support.
Paul: Hi Victor
Paul: Can you restore a database backup for me
Paul: It's too big to do via cPanel
Victor: sure
Paul: The file is here
Paul: can you import it into the blank database called cliptheapex
Victor: please upload the .sql file under your acount
Victor: so that I will restore it for you
Victor: ok
Victor: do you want to restore it for cliptheapex ?
Paul: yes please
Paul: the empty database
Paul: is there a problem?
Victor: as I'm receiving the following logs for it
Victor: Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuration error. Use 'LimitInternalRecursion' to increase the limit if necessary. Use 'LogLevel debug' to get a backtrace.
Paul: I don't understand
Paul: I have this backup working on my local installation with no problems
Paul: I did this yesterday on a test database and it worked fine
Paul: one of your colleagues did it for me
Paul: Hello?
Victor: Ohh sorry
Victor: please ignore it
Victor: it was not for you.
Paul: I see
Paul: can you restore the backup please?
Victor: do you want to restore .sql file for database cliptheapex ?
Paul: yes please
Victor: ok
Victor: restoring it now
Victor: Please wait
Paul: Thank you, it's working fine now

Hi Bro,

Just thought I should put something back in after all you've done for the site. Tried to go for the annual £10, but. Pay pal will only allow this for premium/business users... Is there a way around this, or do I need to review my pay pal setup?
Thanks for that Geoff, very decent of you :)

It was probably a problem with the account type so I've just upgraded it to business.
Not sure if that will fix it or not
Much appreciated Geoff.

The perks aren't much at the moment but I hope to add to them in the future.
You do though get to change your own user title whenever you like :D
Ah well, there go my dreams of a race day in a veyron.... Just have to stick to the land rover - you'll let me know if you get any complimentary tickes foe Becketts :)
bloomin heck lol, go away for a week and everythings changed.

so do i get get a thophy for this post then ??
some how i get a cold feeling bout it, suppose we all have to upgrade to the mordern world sometime or other. soon ill have to buy one of those i-apple-pod-ringyringy-watchpornonyourphone thingybobs too, and get a myface page :)

im off to explore, nice work everyone who's invovled

(edit) oh and what about my 400 odd other posts? nothing for that :-p, seems like i do care about these throphy things after all.
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