Three laps around Circuit of the Americas...

ExtremeNinja Of course it depends on how well the circuit is modeled, how accurately the gear pattern is modeled etc etc, but if they are in the right ballpark then it would appear that we're in for another procession. If course none of that is a certainty, thus the 'looks like'. :)
"thanks for nothing, Herman Tilke"

Hmm. That's a bit like going round someone's house for dinner and turning your nose up at it. At least pick your knife and fork up and make judgement at the end of the meal. Everyone told me Prometheus was crap but I've just got back from the cinema and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
While saying "thanks for nothing, Herman Tilke" in regards to this track may be premature, saying "thanks for nothing, Herman Tilke" in general is most definitely not premature or innacurate.
Crap in, crap out. Could anyone have designed a decent circuit in Valencia or Singapore? China insisted on the ying and yang. Turkey is a tour de force of what Tilke can achieve, half the time I think he has to design the circuits with one arm up his back as more emphasis is put on the facilities than the track layout. Although there are some real jokes like the underpass pit exit in Abu Dhabi.
Slightly off topic as I find it a bit hard to gauge the circuit from a game but I was quietly impressed with programming in getting the reflections in the silver McLaren.
The circuit looks extremely aero dependent, not only in terms of high speed downforce but also in aerodynamic efficiency due to the long straights, although I don't want to judge it too early I do think it may be a bit of a borefest. No doubt because it's a new track Pirelli will bring the Hard and Medium tyres which won't help with the entertainment factor either.
Hopefully they will go the Hard and Soft route... I can see 2 => 8 being treacherous off line from about half race distance... get it wrong, you are in the bin...
Unless I'm mistaken, there's also a hell of a lot of tarmac to go down!!! It looks nowhere near ready, but recent comments by Charlie Whiting were positive and I don't doubt that they'll get it finished somehow.

Also, is that hill in the background part of the track?! I think it is, and it looks pretty steep, the cars might be pretty loose around that corner :)
I've got a formula that decides whether a track is any good or not.

Number of Corners>20=Bad Track, Number of Corners<20=Good Track

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