The Official Mini Fantasy Cup Game Thread

Good evening players. Sorry for the lack of table updates. I'm currently without laptop and using nothing more than my humble phone.

Anyhow, here are the next round of fixtures as we build towards the knock out stages.

Sakari v sushifiesta


jez101 v teabagyokel

Good luck one and all.
I think it was red flagged after some bozo stole cider_and_toast 's laptop. Probably the same charlatan who ruined Sunday's race by wandering onto the circuit.

I think we went far enough for ff1 rule 101 to apply, declaring me as the winner ;).
I kept tracking it up to Hungary in my own spreadsheets, so I could pass the relevant parts of the file on to cider_and_toast if he likes? Otherwise, I think I might be able to finish it up, though it's kind of unfortunate for people who hadn't figured out the pattern, since they had no warning to change things around for their match-ups.
I decided to update my sheets through to Singapore. Based on the pattern, this is how the OMFCG stands:
Group APlayedWonDrawLostPoints Diff
Jos the Boss3201+34

Group BPlayedWonDrawLostPoints Diff
Dash Racing3003-101

The match-ups for Japan:
Group A Jos the Boss vs. -WBF1-
Group B FB vs. me

If you want, I can post a more detailed breakdown on the match ups for each race. Let me know if you'd like that, and I'll get it done.
The cup seems to die every year.

I was going to incorporate it into the main FF1 game with some additional code, but based on how the site seems to be going I don't see the point any longer.
Here's the results for Japan, folks!
-WBF1- 829 vs Jos the Boss 772 - Difference: 57
Dash Racing 789 vs FB 584 - Difference: 205

Group APlayedWonDrawLostPoints Diff
Jos the Boss4202-23

Group BPlayedWonDrawLostPoints Diff
Dash Racing4103+104

Now, appropriate for the season, we too begin the Chase for the Cup. The Cup is the prize. The Plate is just to make us losers feel better about losing ;)

Please excuse my atrocious graphics, I don't have anything more sophisticated than paint on this laptop. I hope I've got this right, I've done my best to interpret what was meant to happen at this phase. I decided to give our Cup contenders a match every two races in the build up to the final at Abu Dhabi. If -WBF1- and soccerman17 agree to it, I can give you a race off and have you compete at USA instead of Russia? Let me know what you think.

With the chaos of the Russian Grand Prix, Jos the Boss scores 728 points. FB 's score for Russia was 559. His final score for the OMFCG is -968, and he will go no further. Better luck next year, FB!

Jos the Boss advances to the semis in Mexico, where he'll face Rasputinlives.

With F1 heading to Austin, Texas, we'll have two matchups:
-WBF1- vs soccerman17 for the Cup semis
teabagyokel vs sushifiesta for the Plate quarterfinals.

I wish my round in Brazil had been in Russia instead, because I kicked butt in Russia.

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