FIA The FIA increases entry fees from 2013


Staff Member
The FIA has finally revealed how much teams will have to pay to participate next year, and it's a massive increase.

Currently teams pay a flat fee of just under $400,000.
From next season that will change to a base fee of $500,000 plus $6,000 per point for the constructors' champion, $5,000 per point for all other teams.

That would mean Red Bull paying almost $4.5 million and McLaren just under $3 million (based on 2011).

The FIA are targeting revenue of $40 million per year from F1 so this will go some way towards that, with the balance coming from increased Super Licence fees and an annual lump sum payment from FOM, believed to be around $24 million.

I wonder whether other sports the FIA covers are also going to see similarly huge price increases?
That is a huge jump in the fees. I wonder how many teams will be playing tactics when ou of hte race for the WCC just to reduce their points totals to offset the higher fees against the lower championship income?
Sounds like a good idea. Making the best teams pay more will ultimately flatten the field with regard to money available for car development.
That is a huge jump in the fees. I wonder how many teams will be playing tactics when ou of hte race for the WCC just to reduce their points totals to offset the higher fees against the lower championship income?

A McLaren employee told me that if 1 million pounds is spent on an upgrade that gives three tenths per lap, it pays for itself after three laps. With that in mind 5K per point is insignificant.
The points haul is more spread out this season. If Red Bull clean up these next three races with a one-two at every event they will have to cough up $3, 716,000.

Table attached shows entry fees for next season if the championship had ended in India. Separate row is the situation for Red Bull if they grab maximum points from the next three races.

Edit: Having just read the Autosport article the figures in the tables are DOLLARS not STERLING

Apol's to Bro' for not noticing the $ signs in his post!:embarrassed:


I believe there's a recession at present. True to form F1 is untouched by it or appears to be and the FIA has descended further into la la land. ROFL
I have to admit that when I first heard of this my thoughts were the same as Canis'. This would eem to be a great dis-incentive for the bottom feeding teams to continue to improve late in the season. Not good for the show.
It is a pity that Todt has to take criticism for his predecessor's exceptionally bad judgement with regard to the FIA's commercial rights position. Mosley gave away the family silver to Bernie and clearly Bernie isn't going to give it back.

Of course, the FOM payments for points-scoring and championship position are considerably more lucrative than this. In the event that all 12 teams scored points, financially it might be better, conceivably, to finish 12th than 11th, since the big FOM bucks come for positions 10 and above.

I wonder whether other sports the FIA covers are also going to see similarly huge price increases?

Yes, all series that run supra-nationally will have to pay higher fees from next season.
The EU didn't tell Mosley to sell the rights for 100 years for a not-very-grand total of $313.6 million.

Wasn't FOM valued at $9 billion for the recent flotation? Someone stands to make a few quid there, I wonder who?
Now that the final points totals are known, this is how much each team has to pay by the end of today for next season.

Red Bull Racing4603.260
Force India1091.045
Toro Rosso260.630
Hispania Racing00.500
Brogan What error? I must have been mistaken as it all looks right to me when I take a second glance :P

Though on a serious note, maybe this is why some of the back end teams are worrying about finance so much? Does anyone actually know what teams get in terms of reward for their WCC position? Is it really worth the extra 200k to 2mil for that one extra place in the money stakes?
I had McLaren and Ferrari in the wrong rows in the first column.

As far as prize money is concerned, there were reports that McLaren lost out on between £15 and £30 million due to Hulkenberg taking Hamilton out at Brazil.

It's a sliding scale though so it gets less further down the table but it's why 10th place was so important for the new teams.
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