Cricket Test cricket to control the weather.

Bill Boddy

Professional layabout
Following the recent match against Pakistan during which the inclement weather played a major part it will be fixed by having a half hour earlier the the next morning. This is to a large extent caused by the match having been terminated earlier than usual by bad light.

Following some discussion featuring things like pink balls being suggesting they seem to have settled on the earlier start as a panacea. The fact that it poured down for much of the duration of the game seems to have been forgotten,

This is England fellas, weather happens quite frequently over here, if you want matches which will never get held up by it then you need to play them in the Arabian countries ; but I bet that if you did cricket would somehow raise a light shower which would cause a stoppage.
Artificial lighting is useless for sport.

Not only is it nowhere near as good as natural light, looking up into a floodlight while trying to catch a ball results in a ball in the face.

Still, that would improve any cricket match I've ever seen.
This morning I saw that the England second was about to start so decided to watch the first few overs. All was ready to go when Mrs B brought me a coffee, I thanked her and turned back to the cricket: England 0 runs 2 wickets down in the first 3 balls.

I'm glad that it's on Sky so I can't see it, just commentary is bad enough.
but ive been watching cricket off & on since 2001, ive never seen such a shambles before part england part bombsite of a pitch. for england to have been 3 balls in & fortunate not to be 0-3
so many records in that game. its the shortest ever post war test match that ended with result, lowest ever total v india & 1st time england hasnt made 3 figures in 125 tests v india. it set the tone for the day when they come out & are bowled 1st ball. i did shouted for :censored: sake when it happened. so much came running in wondering what went wrong LOL, but ive watched cricket off & on since 2001. ive never seen england face 3 balls & lucky to not be 0-3

i can say alot about the defence that left alot to be desired & how indian bowled well. but there is home advantage & there is preparing a bombscare of a pitch. that isnt "fair". when joe root is looking like prime shane warne. taking 5 for 8 v indians at home. england never stood a chance in 3rd innings. because that was a worn day 5 pitch halfway through day 2. it reminds me of when india look hopeless in english conditions

but england will have the last laugh as the world test final is at lords & india have only won 1 test series in england in last 30 years. so we probally end up giving them a green wicket

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