Current Sergio Pérez

Sergio Perez Mendoza also known as 'Checo'. 21 years of age and 12 Grand Prix under his belt. Already has a contract for Sauber for next year, is part of the Ferrari driving acadamy, current favourite to replace Massa but what he didn't have was his own thread on Clip the Apex so I thought I'd sort him one out.

Won British Formula 3 at 18. Finished 12 in GP2 at 19. Finished runner-up in GP2 at 20. Made his GP debut at 21 and finished in the points only to be DQ'd later due to both Saubers breaking car regs. Had a big accident at Monoco and even chose to pull out of the Candian GP after realising he wasn't back to 100%. Has had 2 points finishes so far this season with his highest being a 7th place at Silverstone. Has been quite highly placed at both Spa and Monza in last couple of weeks but due to a tangle and a mechnical faiure didn't capitalise on it.

Has been beating his Team-mate Kobyashi reg in qualifying but has had difficulty translating that to the races. Sometimes you wonder if Perez suffers from Sauber tendency to try and make him do something different on the tyre strategy and whether he'd much rather just go for it and race with the pack. Having said that he has proved he has a head for strategy which could stand him in goodstead for the future.

Already impressed enough to get a second year with Sauber and is currently dueling with Paul Di Resta for the 'Rookie of the Year' award. What do you guys think of him? Star of the future or constant midfield runner?
I'm sorry, but I just cannot imagine Raikkonen actually hitting anyone. Challenging them to a drinking duel, yes, but not actual fisticuffs.
Like that with the exception of "put his foot in it".

He called it as he saw it and one has to admire his honesty. It is purely subjective as the appropriateness of his comment though.
Or maybe he just does actually want to punch him?

I hope he doesn't try to punch him while he's got his helmet on though because it just doesn't work. Piquet tried that back in 1982 and let's face it it just looks daft innit?
Okay, this may not be fisticuffs, but this clip shows Kimi will push when some-one gets too close...

Just don't get too close, or stand on Kimi's bag of stuff... :no:

So Perez, not so close next time! :clip:
Queue a good prompt to post this:

Well it looks like with Piquet Jr........Like son...:D

Indeed F1ang-o

Well sound judgement is obviously a prerequisite! As for Benson's comments implying that Kimi had some responsibility for that crash, i do wonder if some these columnists actually have their eyes open. Kimi was on a proper trajectory for entering the chicane having driven a perfectly sensible defensive line coming out of the tunnel. The on-board footage from Perez's car showed clearly that there was, at best, three quarters of cars width to squeeze into. It was not enough for an attack down the inside so Kimi had track position and the chicane was his.

What disturbs me about the comments is that this will be another incident that will take on mythological status and will be regurgitated endlessly in arguments over who was responsible. Meanwhile, if Whitmarsh maintains the idea that Kimi had some responsibility for it and no-one in the team says to Perez that it was a move too far, then Perez will carry on thinking it's okay to do everything he did in Monaco. Well, it isn't. Just because the run-off's on most tracks are huge, with acres of gravel or tarmac, doesn't mean those manoeuvres will always cone off, regardless of how experienced his opponent may be.

I expect, or at least hope for Perez's sake, that he sees that one differently to Benson and learns from it. He clearly has the speed and I doubt he has Grosjean's problem. He can yet prove to be a formidable force in F1. Either that or a formidable farce.
The...Traits needed to succeed an F1 driver ...were merely the last words of the article........... Monaco, I was just glad that a driver tried to break free from the procession.....& give a notably boring race some ...zzzzzzzzzzzzip
It was later said, that SP had some tyre detrious etc...that affected his brakes..I presumed that was why, when he had a late lunge to try to get past KR., who put up a ....sod off, you aint gettin my place, fight.....SP was unable to control his car...both drivers suffered...(Oh if only if it happened in all cases,...... but it doesn't)
I think Perez is suffering from being made to feel No2...'he's young, inexperienced...etc'
and being criticised for 'not getting his elbows out' on race having to prove that he is worthy of Telmex sponsorship
He spiced up Monaco, a bit...I'm sorry KR lost some points, cos Kimi :heart:.... but ..That's racing..i............innit?
To be honest, I think Sergio needs to find a balance somewhere between early season Perez and current Perez. It's great that he is getting his elbows out, but carry on like this for too long, and he will find himself in trouble, a la Grosjean.
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