Sebastian Vettel likes to turn right!


After the race yesterday I was asked to put together some of Vettel's "manoeuvres" that have been fairly prevalent this year. For the second GP in a row he threw away his pole position when he was more concerned with chopping off the guy in P2 than getting away from the grid cleanly. This move to the right has been Seb's go to move this year whenever he gets in close quarters with another car. So without further ado, here is the compilation I came up with.

Lovely stuff Keke, really highlights that young Seb has some major problems to overcome before he can think of challenging for the WDC
A nice video collection there Keke!

The move into Webber was the most costly, but the move at Hockenheim was the most blatant move. He almost ran Alonso into the wall !!
I know he's not the first to employ that tactic from the start line, but it certainly cost him two places, when he would have been better off trying to get a clean getaway from the line.

Interesting video though Keke, nice to have all his moves (so far) in one place, so to speak...
They say a picture speaks a thousand words.
Those clips are very damning and there's no arguing with them really.

The one on Alonso at Germany is the worst of the lot, no wonder he lost so much forward momentum.
Excellent Keke, thanks.

Only one thing to add: On the first 'Turkey' incident when Vettel defended against Hamilton, he is actually weaving before Hamilton gets along side. By this, what I mean is that he was very subtly making what could be considered 'defensive moves', and more than one!

How ironic that he should later crash out with his team mate, who maintained a straight line; at the very same place!
Great compilation Kete, you're a real asset :D

jenov2003 said:
Lederhosen off, long trousers on Master Vettel.


He really should get done for dangerous driving one of these days - That German one was just ridonkulous.

McZiderRed said:
A nice video collection there Keke!

The move into Webber was the most costly, but the move at Hockenheim was the most blatant move. He almost ran Alonso into the wall !!
I know he's not the first to employ that tactic from the start line, but it certainly cost him two places, when he would have been better off trying to get a clean getaway from the line.

Interesting video though Keke, nice to have all his moves (so far) in one place, so to speak...

It also cost button a place or two thanks to Vettel then having to get out of it into the first corner and brake testing Button.. :mad:
To me it also looks that al this swervings actually costs Vettel places. If he would have dashed in a straight line in Germany, he probably wouldn't have finished behind both Ferrari's. He makes a lot of extra meters.
Keke, Good Job! I appreciate the work that goes into that. It is a troublesome fact that the young man has already gotten a bad habit that is unecessary and apparently unhelpful to his own results, not to mention the results of others.

Yesterday's incident was a result of lack of car control, wheras most of the others were the result of intent. I have a serious problem with intent. Car control issues are of a different nature.

Perhaps he learned his tactics from Herr Schumacher?
Could we work out based on potential & realistic results with the incidents how many points he's dropped, i.e. if he'd not fallen asleep @ Hungary he'd have got an extra 10 points, therefore just on that race the standings would be:

Ham 182
Web 172 (179)
Vet 161 (151)
But 147
Alo 138 (141)

Others would be Turkey, Germany, British & China maybe?
I've been calculating the Qualifying World Championship with this aim.

After Qualifying sessions (scored as Championship points) the table would look like this:


The standings are currently this:

From qualifying to race Vettel has lost 115 points. These obviously have not all been caused by his own mistakes but it is a big number.

Championship Contenders
S. Vettel   -115[/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia]M. Webber - 74[/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia]L. Hamilton 28[/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia]F. Alonso - 11[/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia]J. Button 59
Looking at last year's QWC, the Champion was...

Sebastien Vettel, who lost 22 points form quali to race. It is interesting that Button yet again was a net gainer.
There comes a point (and perhaps it was the same with Kimi and breakdowns) where the weight of evidence becomes overwhelming, and these things can no longer be put down just to coincidence.

Imagine a driver who could qualify like Seb and race like Jenson, eh?
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