The Artist.....
Champion Elect
Oh and TBY - news is international
But not all news is from News International....

Oh and TBY - news is international
It widely is being interpreted as a denial but, in everything I can find alleging to quote Kehm, she does not directly address the Focus article, or its content, but only states MSC's condition is unverändert (unchanged). And considering it had been their habit not dignify rumours by addressing them, I find it highly suspicious that they broke protocol on this one. This is a non-denying denial with fishy timing.Although the Daily Mail are now saying that Sabine Kehm has now come out to say that they haven't stopped the waking up process.....
Michael is still in the wake up phase. The situation has not changed. Any medical information published which is not confirmed by the team of doctors treating Michael or his management has to be considered as not valid.