What did everyone make of the Red Bull cars this weekend passed?
After Horners comments in the lead-up i was watching the cars quite closely. Certainly McLaren were running
a lot more rake than had been obvious previously, from memory, and the RBs certainly do run what seems like enormous amounts of rake, like a 70s hot rod

, but i didn't see their front wing flexing to the ground quite as much as has been seen. Im not sure if this was just down to the track or what, but could it also be a slightly tamer wing in an effort to make the physical element slightly less obvious? (they must be on their 5th / 6th incarnation of the system now, ie. have a very good understanding of their system)
Another thing. Unfortunately for RB, we see the front wing a lot... its obvious what it is doing, but what about all the other aero devices on the car? Whilst everyone is talking about the wing, RB will be applying the principle to everything on the car. I know there were issues with, inc. RB, several teams floors last year, but there are many other more subtle devices that will compliment the wings etc. How many of these also take advantage of RBs research into aeroelasticity?
If Ferrari and McLaren are as far behind with this as they would have us believe, then they have an awful lot of work to do to get their aero package complementing each part on the car like the RB does. On the other hand, both teams in the race had reasonable pace compared to the RBs and appear to have taken a chunk from RBs cushion. If this step in speed has been made
without the development of their aeroelasticity understanding (I happen to think McLaren
have taken strides in their understanding and
begun exploiting it), then when they do get their heads round it, RB could find themselves getting swallowed up... right around the time the FIA get a handle on it and put it all to bed
Well there you are, some observations from the race and the continuing flexy dilemma... what did you make of it all?