Predictions for the 2010 F1 season


Staff Member
I thought this might be an interesting exercise.

Everyone posts their predictions as to what they think may happen during the season, either on the track or off, and we revisit the thread periodically and in November to see how many of them came true, or not as the case may be.

You can be as general or specific as you like.

I'll start.

1. At least one of the new teams will either not make it to the grid or will quit during the season.
2. Nico Rosberg will have a new teammate by the end of the season.
3. There will be a new WDC and WCC (notwithstanding Mercedes being the same team as Brawn.
4. The FIA will introduce licenses for team owners, principles and all other senior members.
1. I predict that although all the evidence will be to the contrary that there will be a huge out pooring of vitriol against the banning of refuelling. With people stating catagorically that the racing was better in past seasons.

2. Michael Schumacher will finish the season and in the top 5.

3. Donnington Park will still be for sale in Nov 2010.

4. Bernie Ecclestone will be attacking the British GP and threatening to axe it from the schedule in 2011.

5. Jean Todt will have grown a beard.

6. Charlie Whiting will cause me to swear in public again... :mad:

7. Eddy Jordan will predict something so utterly unbelievable that only I will believe him. And I will spend 7 months 2 weeks and 5 days protesting that he is right on the money against impossible opposition, only for he and I to be proven correct! :goodday:
1. The Korean Grand Prix will not take place

2. There will be no on track overtaking at Valencia

3. Kamui Kobyashi will win a race

4. Felipe Massa won't be the same after the accident and will retire at season's end

5. There will be another "-gate" scandal to rock the sport after "Spygate" and "Crashgate"

6. Someone will crash in the Abu Dhabi pit tunnel

7. There will be a crash at Monaco so huge, not fatal, that it will put the future of that circuit in doubt
  1. There will be more overtaking at Interlagos than at Monaco, Valencia and Singapore combined
  2. Fernando Alonso will not win both Barcelona and Valencia.
  3. The title will be decided at Interlagos.
  4. Bruno Senna's first season in F1 will yield less points than Uncle Ayrton's first season in F1 (13).
  5. McLaren will not win the British GP.
  6. Mercedes (the team) will not win the German GP; although Mercedes (the engine) might.
  7. There will be a major controversy at some point at the season; Bernie Ecclestone will reply with opaque answers to simple questions.
  8. One of the even numbered World Champions (2 Hamilton, 4 Schumacher, 8 Alonso) will score more points than the odd numbered World Champion (1 Button).
  9. Kamui Kobayashi will outscore Trulli and Glock.
  10. If Felipe Massa leads Fernando Alonso in the World Championship by mid-season, Alonso will lose his temper.
  11. Sebastian Vettel will beat Mark Webber.
  12. McLaren will win the Hungarian GP.
  13. Hamilton will be on pole at Monaco, Valencia, Budapest, Singapore or Abu Dhabi.
  14. The nationality of the winner of the British GP will not win the World Cup final that evening!(esp. if they're in a McLaren!)
1. Another European GP will bite the dust;
2. Tyres manufacturers will demand a cut to commit to a LT deal;
3. Max Mosely will effect the administration;
4. A testing, qualifying or race day will be subject to the impact of terrorism;
5. CVC will declare a scrip or capitalisation of shares;
6. Overtaking will increase - on average;
7. At least one serious accident will be attributed to the heavier cars;
8. Wait for it..... Bernie will retire!
I think:

1) The Cosworth engines will prove to be reliable but soooo short on power
2) The Rubens/Nico Hulkenberg partnership will suprise a few people
3) Schuey will win a race
4) Massa will be a lot closer to Alonso than people think
5) Hamilton will more than have the measure of Button
6) There will be a ill-thought out mid season rule "Clarification" that will come out of nowhere
7) At least one race result will be decieded after the fact possibly in a court room
8) At least one team will not make it until the end of the season
9) Richard Branson will look pig ugly in a stewardesses uniform
10) At least one clip the apex member will be wildly over optomistic about the performance of Lotus and refuse to listen to reason at any stage of the season
11) Lotus will win both titles

A few predictions from me:

Lewis Hamilton - World Drivers Champion
Sebastien Vettel will be runner up
Red Bull will win the Constructors Championship
Campos will use 5 different drivers through the season
Nico Hulkenberg in a Williams will win a Grand Prix
Heikki Kovaleinen will be a revalation at Proton Lotus
Mark Webber will be retired at the end of the season
Juan Pablo Montoya will join USF1 mid-season
Max Moseley will reappear in F1 in some capacity
Bernie Ecclestone will offend: White people, black people, Asians, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, agnostics, athiests and deists
Robert Kubica will be so bald by the end of the season he will shave his head
Mclaren will insist Button is clean shaven
Mark Webber will be retired at the end of the season

I agree with that one, I almost posted that myself except I was going to put "Webber is told he isn't wanted next year by September" but then I couldn't remember if he had a contract for next year or not.
1.) The first race(s) of the season will be really exciting, people will deem it a new era of super-exciting F1 only to be let down by the time of Malaysia or China.

2.) The first practice sessions in Bahrain will not be shown on Freeview, making Enja upset

3.) Contrary to 2.), if the practices are shown on Freeview, Enja will be delighted at seeing the likes of Schumacher and the new teams, new drivers in new colours.

4.) Kobayashi will score at least 1 podium.

5.) Hulkenberg will get more points than Barrichello.

6.) Williams, Sauber and Renault will be the surprise packages of 2010.

7.) Felipe Massa will win a race, either he or his wife, brother or father will shed waterfalls of tears (the future is a bit cloudy on this one.)

8.) USF1 and Torro Rosso will fight to have the slowest car on the grid.

9.) 3 Cosworth engines will fail to make the end of the race at Bahrain.

10.) Bruno Senna will crumble under the expectation.

11.) Virgin/Manor will oust Red Bull as the new party team.

12.) Torro Rosso will have 4 different drivers during the season.

13.) Jonathan Legard will say "on a charge!" an average of 12.4 times per race.

14.) Lotus will have the best average qualifying positions of the bottom half (13) of the grid.

15.) The Korean GP will be shit ; the grey dull landscape will be the only thing to divert people from the never ending series of chicanes and 2nd gear corners. There will be about 4 overtakes.
Thought I'd better predict something as I was so kindly invited by Cider and Toast.

USF1 don't make it ... at all
Vettel finally proves that he can win a wet race whilst having to overtake people on the track (Please Seb' prove me right! Please weather gods give him the opportunity!)
I can't help myself I have to believe The Ham will triumph and regain the title.
The Ham will win races
Fernando will maybe win a race but I suspect he'll not get the title
Schuey will not be able to resist the temptation to run someone off the road to win the title
The WDC will be decided (distorted) in the Stewards Room (hope not)
The WCC will be decided (distorted) in the Stewards Room (hope not)
The Stewards will surprise everyone and make this the fairest season ever (hope so)
Jean Todt will change his mind and stand for re-election as FIA Pres' in October

and finally, Fenderman will wish he was a real gambler if any of the above comes to pass and will kick himself because he never goes to the betting shop unless it's for a punt on the Grand National.
Here are my (few) predictions.
1) An Englishman will win the WDC…
2) The shoemaker will not appear on the podium all season.
3) Ron Dennis will be at over half the races.
4) Williams will appear on two podiums!
5) Ferrari will have one pit lane error type episode. (You know, like a fuel hose staying connected, but not, as there's no refueling...)
6) Terror Rosso will beat Red Bull in at least one race.
snowy said:
1. I predict that although all the evidence will be to the contrary that there will be a huge out pooring of vitriol against the banning of refuelling. With people stating catagorically that the racing was better in past seasons.

Just reading through these again and most of them are way off LOL

There are still some which could come true though, we'll have to wait and see.
Just reviewed mine, Hammy not doing badly in the WDC, Campos (HRT) are already up to 4 drivers (ah, well, now, I didn't say they would driving in a race now did I missus, no, eh, no) and I think Heikki has been a revelation at Lotus.
1) The Cosworth engines will prove to be reliable but soooo short on power
2) The Rubens/Nico Hulkenberg partnership will suprise a few people
3) Schuey will win a race
4) Massa will be a lot closer to Alonso than people think
5) Hamilton will more than have the measure of Button
6) There will be a ill-thought out mid season rule "Clarification" that will come out of nowhere
7) At least one race result will be decided after the fact possibly in a court room
8) At least one team will not make it until the end of the season
9) Richard Branson will look pig ugly in a stewardesses uniform
10) At least one clip the apex member will be wildly over optimistic about the performance of Lotus and refuse to listen to reason at any stage of the season
11) Lotus will win both titles

The story so far.................

1) Not far off
2) Correct, Surprised at how slow they are
3) Could still happen (and Squadron of Pigs are taxiing to the end of the runway as I type this)
4) Ish
5) Nope
6) Not yet
7) Sort of happened in Canada
8) Could still happen but not looking likely
9) Not looking good for Sir Richard
10) Yep
11) Could still happen (see answer to three)

teabagyokel said:
  1. There will be more overtaking at Interlagos than at Monaco, Valencia and Singapore combined
  2. Fernando Alonso will not win both Barcelona and Valencia.
  3. The title will be decided at Interlagos.
  4. Bruno Senna's first season in F1 will yield less points than Uncle Ayrton's first season in F1 (13).
  5. McLaren will not win the British GP.
  6. Mercedes (the team) will not win the German GP; although Mercedes (the engine) might.
  7. There will be a major controversy at some point at the season; Bernie Ecclestone will reply with opaque answers to simple questions.
  8. One of the even numbered World Champions (2 Hamilton, 4 Schumacher, 8 Alonso) will score more points than the odd numbered World Champion (1 Button).
  9. Kamui Kobayashi will outscore Trulli and Glock.
  10. If Felipe Massa leads Fernando Alonso in the World Championship by mid-season, Alonso will lose his temper.
  11. Sebastian Vettel will beat Mark Webber.
  12. McLaren will win the Hungarian GP.
  13. Hamilton will be on pole at Monaco, Valencia, Budapest, Singapore or Abu Dhabi.
  14. The nationality of the winner of the British GP will not win the World Cup final that evening!(esp. if they're in a McLaren!)

1. Looking good
2. !?
3. Certainty
4. Not looking great
5. Looking likely
6. Part (a) not yet, part (b) every week
7. OK so far (although Schumi #3)
8. Looking good unless Lotus improve
9. Not an issue
10. Helmut Marko is fighting for that one
11. Who knows?
12. I'm still confident
13. Who the hell knows?
Enja said:
1.) The first race(s) of the season will be really exciting, people will deem it a new era of super-exciting F1 only to be let down by the time of Malaysia or China.

2.) The first practice sessions in Bahrain will not be shown on Freeview, making Enja upset

3.) Contrary to 2.), if the practices are shown on Freeview, Enja will be delighted at seeing the likes of Schumacher and the new teams, new drivers in new colours.

4.) Kobayashi will score at least 1 podium.

5.) Hulkenberg will get more points than Barrichello.

6.) Williams, Sauber and Renault will be the surprise packages of 2010.

7.) Felipe Massa will win a race, either he or his wife, brother or father will shed waterfalls of tears (the future is a bit cloudy on this one.)

8.) USF1 and Torro Rosso will fight to have the slowest car on the grid.

9.) 3 Cosworth engines will fail to make the end of the race at Bahrain.

10.) Bruno Senna will crumble under the expectation.

11.) Virgin/Manor will oust Red Bull as the new party team.

12.) Torro Rosso will have 4 different drivers during the season.

13.) Jonathan Legard will say "on a charge!" an average of 12.4 times per race.

14.) Lotus will have the best average qualifying positions of the bottom half (13) of the grid.

15.) The Korean GP will be shit ; the grey dull landscape will be the only thing to divert people from the never ending series of chicanes and 2nd gear corners. There will be about 4 overtakes.

1. Woops.
2. Woops.
3. Got that one right.
4. I'm sticking with this one.
5. Hulkenberg has pretty pretty rubbish so far, so looking unlikely.
6. Renault was right, the other two not so.
7. Could still happen.
8. USF1 aren't on the grid, and STR are okay. Woops.
9. Can't remember.
10. Got this one right (well, sort of.)
11. Not really.
12. Doesn't look like it.
13. This is probably right, either way he's still useless.
14. Er. Woops.
15. I'm sticking with this one.

I think I need a new crystal ball..
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