Pastor Maldonado

Courtesy of Planet F1 and Tranquility's post in the Belgian PQR thread here's a place to discuss the Williams' No.2

"Is Pastor Maldonado the scariest man in sport? His post-Spa interview was delivered with a stare that could put a weak-hearted man six foot under from a distance of ten yards and culminated in the remarkable, utterly-terrifying announcement that he regards Lewis Hamilton as "a really good friend."


Just jeepers.

Fear and pray for his enemies."

Pastor started his racing career in Italy in the Formula Renault and F3000. He would have been Formula Renault 3.5 Champion if he hadn't been disqualified from a win at Misano in 2006. Moving on to GP2 Pastor raced for 4 seasons, eventually taking the title in 2010.

With not insubstantial financial backing from Venezuela's national petroleum company, PDVSA, he took Nico Hulkenberg's seat at Williams for 2011 winning his first point last weekend in Belgium.

On a personal level, he is a self proclaimed Socialist and a personal friend of controversial Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez, which probably explains the backing from PDVSA.... Oh, and he's 26 and is still wearing braces on his teeth.
5 place grid drop for Madanado
Reprimand for Lewis....
Maldonado denied what he had done...but did exactly the same thing to Perez at Monaco...this year
It is unfortunate that the same stewards are not at every race...

The only reason to bring it up is to add context - there are many people lining up to beat Maldonado, yet many of these are the same people who were queueing up to excuse anything that Hamilton did last season. History teaches us a lot, and those calling for dranconian penalties for Maldonado should remember exactly where they stood a season ago!
The Artist.....

2 points:

Firstly you are assuming that criticising Maldonado is to some degree indicating that Hamilton, or any other driver, is not being viewed negatively for similar actions. I interesting perspective, not one I would have thought of using on a Pastor Maldonado thread, but interesting

Secondly you feel that the two drivers offended in the same way. Again interesting, and an enormous can of worms.

For some reason I will attempt a response. Lewis was over agressive at times in his past. However I feel the difference is that his agression assumed that others could see and react to his actions and also brought out the worst in others. This is patently different to Maldonado's somewhat more careless style.

Lewis did attract a great deal of criticism for those comments and the driving that led to them being made, and whilst some, myself included, supported his insistance that he should be at a circuit to race there were times when some, myself included again, felt he overstepped the mark. I fail completely to see how this is relevant to Pastor though, the Stewards, Governing bodies et al should always look to make the right decisions, not be held to task for any apparent errors made in the past.
GeoffP - Good post - and I do agree, on the whole with what you say - Personally, I don't think the governing body/stewards have made the wrong decision, on the whole, with almost all of their penalties over the last few years - the punishments to Maldo seem of the correct magnitude for what he has done... The biggest relevance to Maldonado and Hamilton is simply because their reactions are exactly the same to the criticisms that have been made of them - both drivers refused to change their driving styles (Almost exactly 12 months apart as well!)
The Artist....., When Lewis came up with that comment last year you just knew he was going to keep negative attention and situations did spiral downwards for him. Pastor is currently going through the same process. I do feel that as a result Lewis rather overreacted with some exceptionally steady driving so another reason to wish someone would take Pastor to one side and get his head in order.

Whatever follow up happens I really hope it takes place off the circuit and not on. You are, of course correct that these hot headed comments are far from Pastor's reserve and even the "Not bad for a number 2 driver" comment that everybody loved was a comment that was out of turn and potentially embarrassing to the team, just more mature.

The first team I supported was Williams and so they have always had a place for me and I feel so disappointed that Pastor's speed is being wasted like this.
I don't think there should be a comparison with Lewis. I kinda got drawn into it above, but I want some good racing therefore I want Maldonado to be an asset to F1 not a barrier.

Pastor's treatment/penalties should focus on discouraging and educating, not comparing. If you were injured by a dangerous driver who got off because others had would you feel you had been fairly treated and your incident received a fair hearing?
I just answered... the comparison with LH post earlier.
And I agree......... some good racing needed...but within the rules, otherwise what is the point of having them ......
As you have written above re dangerous place for it on road or track.
IMO taking a swipe at other drivers cars is not careless driving either....dangerous grudge bearing
Recently a guest on the Frank Skinner show...said ......"What's missing nowadays is Sportsmanship"
IMO that is what PM lacks ......amongst other things

I agree, and I think he'd get there a whole lot faster with the input from officials and management, example of his peers and absence of the press, but then, my mum would also say he could have benefitted from a good wallop when he was younger too ;)

But since we can't change any of these we can only support what is right, and I say again, at Silverstone I have no complaints about the steward's actions and have no doubt that repeat offences will escalate the punishment, of course if it doesn't I will be looking for full entry to the sabre rattling brigade.
There are similarities between these two drivers and there are differences. I think the differences are more important because they come from the drivers mindset, the similarities from how others perceive them. Both are perceived as aggresive, both have made comments others have objected to, both have inherent speed.. The differences..... lewis has never ever turned a wheel in anger against another driver, Pastor has( thats dangerous!) Lewis will fight tooth and nail and take any opprtunity available but he will always leave space, Im not saying he doesnt make errors...he does, but he fights fair. I dont think Pator does, he looses it if someone gets the better of him.
On the way others perceive drivers, well thats very subjective. Ive seen comments and actions from Kimi(Im not criticising him Im fine with it!)But had lewis made them there would be hell to pay.and the Webber comment.about the number two driver. Superb! had lewis said it during the Button love-in- horror of horrors! So we have to be careful when comparing these two drivers.
racecub... In your opinion...

There was a suggestion at spa 2011 that Hamilton jinked to the right twice towards Maldonado after la source... Some have suggested that he was trying to intimidate Maldonado after their altercation at the last corner! Hence why hamilton received a reprimand, maldo received a grid penalty...
Here's a new one. If you drive over a kerb or lose your car in a turn, could this in any way be construed as "unlucky"? Because in Pastor's world, that's all it is, just a run of misfortune....

"I accept the penalty for the incident with Lewis, but I was a bit unlucky because I hit a kerb and had no traction at the front. It was also 1.5 laps from the end."

"[Silverstone] was different. The race was just starting, I was on cold tyres, had no angle to turn and I lost the car. It is clear."

"I am just passing through a bad and unlucky moment when I don't get any points following my victory."

If he's "unlucky", then what do you call Hamilton and Perez!
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