Head To Head Nico Rosberg vs Lewis Hamilton

In that context it should have had a K. Anyway, back to the subject, it will be interesting to see how Lewis reacts after today as Nico got a bit fighty especially in to turn one at the start.
Well Hamilton the faster of the pair, unable to capitalise due to reliability.

I bet Nico is extremely happy with 2nd place today, and I bet none of us expected that before the race!
Rosberg got a warning, if he had cut another chicane then the stewards would have taken action, probably to tell him to let Hamilton past. I thought that Hamilton wasn't close enough to get past anyway. Will have to check on the recording.
He was within half a second and in DRS. After the incident he was 1.1 seconds and out of DRS. He then closed back up to half a second in a couple of laps. The opportunity then was gone.
Rosberg clearly doesn't deserve the championship lead. The question is whether he will earn the championship fairly in the remainder of season, win it because of a poor points system, or lose it to Hamilton.

I'm betting on the last one of those scenarios simply because at some level speed has to triumph over time even with a crappy points system.
Point systems arguments can wait till the end of the season.

People still talk about the fact that Prost scored more points than Senna in 1988 but still lost. There will be winners and losers in every point system.

Long way to go yet in 2014
Has anyone worked out how far yet? All you need to do is take the length of each circuit, multiply by the number of laps, add them all together and then hope that none of the races are ended prematurely or run out of time.:whistle:
I immediately said you get a warning for cutting a chicane. You can't have one rule for those fighting Hamilton and another rule for the rest. How about the Mercs brakes were a little fucked today which created added issues?
Nico blowing through the chicane had nothing to do with brake troubles. He was coming under serious pressure and he knew if he stayed within Hamilton's DRS for long he was bound to be passed.

The reason there was even talk of a penalty was because he picked up a second off his previous lap mainly because he accelerated through the "runoff". I agree with the decision not to assess a 5 second penalty though.
Nico blowing through the chicane had nothing to do with brake troubles. He was coming under serious pressure and he knew if he stayed within Hamilton's DRS for long he was bound to be passed.

The reason there was even talk of a penalty was because he picked up a second off his previous lap mainly because he accelerated through the "runoff". I agree with the decision not to assess a 5 second penalty though.

I don't agree. If I was a driver, I would interpret this judgement as indicating that if I am coming under pressure from another driver, I should cut a chicane once to extend my lead by a second, before he gets alongside me. Surely we don't want to condone that sort of thing?
And why the **** not?

Because I think the points curve should like the 1991 one and not the 2010 one. To me that is a better characterization of performance so far this year.

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Most chicanes have some sort of speed bumps, but I guess they figure that so many people blow that chicane in Canada throughout the weekend that putting large bumps there would create more problems than solve.

The most decisive maneuver of the weekend was the deep dive into turn 1 anyway that cost Hamilton a position and precious time.
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