Head To Head Nico Rosberg vs Lewis Hamilton

I really love LH & NR....but gimme a break....Nico did not join LH at McLaren...he thought he would be disadvantaged....or more to the point Keke did...
But Lewis had the courage/guts to give it a go at Merc where Nico was .....well in....
Lets just cut them some slack & allow them to be part of a team...where at certain times...& to help the team...team orders will prevail...& the outcome will be for the team...& if either of the drivers has a chance of being up for WDC...I'm sure the support will be there from all the team....
Brogan - Aside from Bahrain, as the Mercedes' backward fall progressed, it seems that the 2nd Mercedes has fallen back quicker, thus meaning he gives the other one some breathing space - ie. the Lotus/Ferrari/Red Bull loses time passing the first.
Yeah, Nico went on to Super Softs at the first stop and that seemed to hurt him although I think he was destined to end up behind Alonso and Webber.
So, following the post on the James Allen website, http://www.jamesallenonf1.com/2013/12/insight-hamilton-and-rosberg%E2%80%99s-head-to-head-at-mercedes/, I think it is worth considering this rivalry further, and whether it has any bearing on the relative reputations of both Lewis and Nico.

For me, Nico's reputation has been enhanced, while Lewis' has tracked sideways. For reasonably large percentages of the season Nico has looked faster than Lewis; in general Lewis has an outright speed edge, but it is not definitive.

I don't consider this a slight on Lewis as such, but I must admit some surprise at the results thus far. Perhaps Lewis really is taking a while to settle in and next year the edge will grow?

That being said, I'm not sure what to make of Lewis' reputation relative to his performance versus team-mates. In his career thus far he has not shown himself to be definitively faster than anyone barring Kovalainen. Within each comparison period you would conclude he is quickest over a lap, but has some frailties beyond this measurement criterion. And yet, he has a HUGE reputation, that doesn't really correlate with his results.

Anyway, next year should be fun to watch what with all of the properly competitive teams involving driver personal changes.
I really like Lewis as a driver but I'm afraid the years since he won the WDC have been rather a disappointment to me. Sure he's had not-so-good cars and quite a lot of bad luck too and that does explain a huge chunk of his lack of success, but I can't help thinking he's not living up to the initial hype of 2007/2008 where it really looked as if he was going to have an extraordinary career. I really hope he can shine again though.
Ideally Hamilton needs to be in a team where he can be the number 1 driver where the car development can be done around him. With McLaren he had that status until Button joined and you can see a dip in form.

Again at Mercedes with Rosberg he is there on equal terms so can't really justify having the car designed around himself. If he had wiped the floor with Rosberg then possibly he could have asked to be number 1, he didn't though so it may be tough again next year.

The other factor is the stability of the regs for the last few years and total domination by the Bulls. Next year should see a clean slate for all and hopefully we'll get battles throughout the season.
Fill in the Hamilton blanks:
New team
Every year except 2011
McLaren antics in 2012

As for Rosberg, he's a bloody good driver and certainly in the Button, Hulkenberg and Grosjean(?) driver category as one of those nipping at the heels of the elite few.
Well it took Button ten seasons to get a WDC and seven to win a race so Hulkenberg and Grosjean have quite a while left to be able to match him in that respect. Anyway, I was expecting Rosberg to give Hamilton a run for his money this year and he did, that's the point.
Am I the only person who thinks Rosbergs stock has gone down? He was equal second with his amount of race wins yet came only 6th in the championship.

I think he's just shown he doesn't have the consistancy to mix it with the big names and this season has just confirmed his position as F1's current best number 2 driver.

He even obeys team orders well!
I think whatever Lewis had in his first two seasons in F1 he's lost maybe because he's been sidetracked by the fame and the glitz of the life style or maybe because his mentors are no longer with him whatever it was he had it seems to have deserted him because to me lately he just looks ordinary during a race he has still got the speed but that isn't enough and it is Nico that has looked the more racier and more hungry....
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