Head To Head Nico Rosberg vs Lewis Hamilton

Today could be the start of the end of Hamilton at Mercedes . Mercedes have their corporate champion who happens to be German as well a :1st: for the Board and Germany who incidentally have no race to celebrate their champion:oops: but I am sure the German press are going now to attack Hamilton for being a bad sportsman and ignoring team orders

The ignoring team orders could be one too many to push Hamilton out and back to ... Mclaren Honda
Knew this was coming, still hard to take though.

And pretty pissed that team orders were given after Toto said they could race! Lost a lot of respect for him and Paddy. They had both championships sewn up, there was no need for team orders. :bangfists:
Toto has said he sees it from both sides. I think there would be more fallout if he followed them, but he didn't so no harm done.
Today could be the start of the end of Hamilton at Mercedes . Mercedes have their corporate champion who happens to be German as well a :1st: for the Board and Germany who incidentally have no race to celebrate their champion:oops: but I am sure the German press are going now to attack Hamilton for being a bad sportsman and ignoring team orders

The ignoring team orders could be one too many to push Hamilton out and back to ... Mclaren Honda

There was a lot of German & Germany in there. Lewis did ignore team orders, and it was pretty unsporting to back Nico into the opposition rather than drive off into the distance, win the race like a champion, and see what happens.

I'm not German, but I did live there for a while. Their press will probably be kinder than our own would have been if it was the other way round.

Lewis wasn't asked to let Nico past, only drive the car properly.
Dario Resta Its always a thing for the Mercedes board to have a German driver at least win in their car that that is why they wanted to do with Schumacher . It is good PR for them.
Paddy Lowe was wrong to try and interfere with Lewis' race and therefore diminish his own chance of winning the title.. basically someone decided before the race was over Nico should be champion
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