Head To Head Nico Rosberg vs Lewis Hamilton

Mezzer Yes Nico failed and has got the whole hierarchy against him now although he tries to put a brave face that the British press are against him but the German press back him. Had he won the race it would been small consolation for the team at least

Contrarory to what EJ said that RTL aint getting the viewers despite a German driver in a German team
The way the BBC are reporting it then it seems a race ban will be the most extreme of punishments to be doled out by the FIA if any at all. A grid penalty is more likely but as shown by Hamilton on multiple occasions starting from the back isn't much of a punishment considering the speed advantage of the Mercedes.

Retrospectively altering this race result doesn't help Hamilton much either, a DSQ would mean it would be back to an 11 point difference.

The punishment to Rosberg that would benefit Hamilton the most would be the race ban although I'm still thinking Mercedes need to take control and bring in a reserve driver for the next race, this wouldn't hamper their WCC and would give Hamilton a fighting chance of getting on equal terms while clearly showing that the team comes 1st and drivers second.
I think Lewis should learn when to keep his mouth shut, and let the team deal with it what was said was said in private meeting and not for the worlds press, he really doesn't do himself any favours sometimes..

When he acts like this he just sounds like a big kid whose had his pocket money stolen, ask Toto if you don't believe me he'll tell you...
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F1Yorkshire A 20 second penalty does not alter his result as he would still be 2nd so I think a DQ has to be considered considering a race ban would be severe ( and I thought drivers are on some points discilpline system)

Mephistopheles You have to consider from Lewis' point of view - he did nothing wrong in the race got the start he wanted to lead

Then he gets tyres cut rightfully for defending his position as of right and ends up with a damaged car which he tried to manage the whole race and for the next race with engine allocation and gearbox

Whilst his teammate has a damaged wing which gets sorted and he still manages to nearly win the race,,, that is what you call injustice if Rosberg has now admitted he deliberately did it to damage Hamilton's race
Mephistopheles well Sauber one year tried to replace Massa with Frentzen for one race because he was going to take a 10 place grid penalty and that is a ludicrous move because the offending driver still has to be punished in this case Massa

Well Ferrari have tried to do that unsuccessfully back in 1977 with Lauda' situation so its nothing new. Really the Mercedes bosses are angry with Nico and quite rightly so but his admission that he deliberate endangered his teammate might be a step too far for them to take ... its called "Sabotage"
Okay consider this the damage to the car was not caused by the tiny tap he got from Nico nor was it caused by the puncture per se it was caused because Lewis drove the car back to the pits far too quickly and so he is responsible for that if he had taken it slower he would have lost a bit more time in the short term but the car would not have suffered that amount of damaged and with the car advantage he could still have scored decent points and so everything that happened after the love tap was of his own doing. Brundle said at the time that Lewis was driving to fast with a puncture and if he could see it why couldn't Lewis?
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Well everything else has been said I'm just trying to put a new slant on things and I reckon it is a fair point to make seeing as the wolves are at Nico's door baying for blood..
The commentators saw it as a racing incident, as did the stewards - end of.

Some goon goes to the press and all Hell breaks loose!

And there was me thinking it was a grown up pastime - when will I ever learn?
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