Lewis contract situation

Glad it's sorted but I would have loved to see a Hamilton / Vettel Ferrari team. Ah well. I wonder who his next team mate will be? Rosberg is going to go quack quack my old man's a hedgehog if he spends too much longer with the team.

I didn't know that hedgehogs quack.:)
Hopefully, this will lay to rest the mythology (IMO) that they have been operating on an "equal number one" at any time since LH joined the team. Such an arrangement has, historically, proven disasterous, so why Mercedes had tried to assume such a facade escapes me.
well glad that Lewis saw sense in re-signing with Merc. Nico won't be happy though seeing that he is paid less and apparently Lewis has forced the board to break the pay structure

I am not going to say how many more championships Lewis can win
Nope, it's not the three more years in a possible dominating winning car, giving Lewis the chance of acquiring more WDC's, that surely won't warm our hearts, it's all of his rabid supporters who will claim that the above has been achieved through his god like brilliance while claiming that when a driver such as Vettel or Schumacher found themselves in the same situation, it was the car.

Hamilton is a great driver, as a neutral I just wish there were a few drivers able to get closer to him and give him a run for his money.
Hopefully, this will lay to rest the mythology (IMO) that they have been operating on an "equal number one" at any time since LH joined the team. Such an arrangement has, historically, proven disasterous, so why Mercedes had tried to assume such a facade escapes me.

What has Hamilton re-signing, after Rosberg re-signed, got anything to do with that absurd claim?
  1. Do you honestly think any management team would risk having a driver they are paying vastly more than the other being beaten by the lower paid one? They would look like complete fools were that to be the case. Indeed, their continued employment could conceivably be in jeopardy, as they would have to explain such a happenstance to the corporate overseers who demand justification for the disparity in remuneration.
Up until the last race of 2014, it was a toss up as to whether it would be Hamilton or Rosberg who would become WDC.

You've been banging on about thiis for over a year and there is not a shred of evidence to support it.

The drivers, including Rosberg, team principal and team management have all stated numerous times that there is an equal driver policy.
If you choose to disbelieve that and accuse them all of being liars then that's your prerogative.
it's all of his rabid supporters who will claim that the above has been achieved through his god like brilliance while claiming that when a driver such as Vettel or Schumacher found themselves in the same situation, it was the car..

Only a person who isn't in touch with reality, could ever think that the car doesn't play a major role for anybody.....anybody in securing a WDC.
I can think of other drivers who could finish in first or second place with Rosberg taking the other in the current Mercedes and who would do it cheaper than Hamilton. I cannot think of any other car in which Hamilton could be in the top two in the WDC.
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