Pre-Season Jerez Test 10-13Feb

1 Hamilton	McLaren	 	1m26.023s
2 Barrichello Williams 1m26.537s +0.514
3 Sutil Force India 1m27.606s +1.583
4 Vettel Red Bull 1m27.764s +1.741
5 Massa Ferrari 1m28.299s +2.276
6 De la Rosa Sauber 1m29.698s +3.675
7 Schumacher Mercedes 1m29.768s +3.745
8 Kubica Renault 1m30.270s +4.247
9 Alguersuari Toro Rosso 1m32.124s +6.101
The track is now too dry for inters and too damp for slicks, so everyone is waiting for the sun but the sun is in the heavenly pit munching on the remains of the day... :bored:
1. S. Vettel		Red Bull Racing	RB6	1:25.782	 	34  	 pit
2. L. Hamilton McLaren MP4-25 1:26.023 +0.241 15 pit
3. R. Barrichello Williams FW32 1:26.537 +0.755 21 pit
4. F. Massa Ferrari F10 1:27.396 +1.614 44
5. A. Sutil Force India VJM-03 1:27.606 +1.824 30 pit
6. P. de la Rosa Sauber C29 1:29.698 +3.916 23 pit
7. M. Schumacher Mercedes W01 1:29.768 +3.986 11 pit
8. R. Kubica Renault R30 1:30.270 +4.488 6 pit
9. J. Alguersuari Toro Rosso STR5 1:30.842 +5.060 41 pit
1. F. Massa		Ferrari	F10		1:24.022	 	56  	  
2. S. Vettel Red Bull Racing RB6 1:25.782 +0.761 35 pit
3. L. Hamilton McLaren MP4-25 1:26.023 +1.002 15 pit
4. R. Barrichello Williams FW32 1:26.537 +1.516 21 pit
5. A. Sutil Force India VJM-03 1:27.606 +2.585 37 pit
6. P. de la Rosa Sauber C29 1:29.698 +4.677 27
7. M. Schumacher Mercedes GP W01 1:29.768 +4.747 11 pit
8. R. Kubica Renault R30 1:30.270 +5.249 6 pit
9. J. Alguersuari Toro Rosso STR5 1:30.842 +5.821 41 pit

Felipe on slicks :D
1. F. Massa		Ferrari	F10		1:23.847	 	60  	  
2. R. Barrichello Williams FW32 1:24.806 +0.959 23
3. S. Vettel Red Bull Racing RB6 1:25.782 +1.935 35 pit
4. L. Hamilton McLaren MP4-25 1:26.023 +2.176 15
5. P. de la Rosa Sauber C29 1:26.041 +2.194 32
6. A. Sutil Force India VJM-03 1:27.606 +3.759 37 pit
7. M. Schumacher Mercedes GP W01 1:29.768 +5.921 11 pit
8. R. Kubica Renault R30 1:30.270 +6.423 6 pit
9. J. Alguersuari Toro Rosso STR5 1:30.842 +6.995 41 pit

1 Barrichello	Williams	1m23.144s
2 Massa Ferrari 1m23.847s +0.703
3 Kubica Renault 1m25.309s +2.165
4 De la Rosa Sauber 1m25.624s +2.480
5 Vettel Red Bull 1m25.782s +2.638
6 Hamilton McLaren 1m26.023s +2.879
7 Alguersuari Toro Rosso 1m26.738s +3.594
8 Sutil Force India 1m27.606s +4.462
9 Schumacher Mercedes 1m29.768s +6.624

1 Barrichello	Williams	1m22.319s
2 Massa Ferrari 1m23.847s +1.528
3 Kubica Renault 1m24.373s +2.054
4 Vettel Red Bull 1m24.846s +2.527
5 De la Rosa Sauber 1m25.271s +2.952
6 Hamilton McLaren 1m26.023s +3.704
7 Alguersuari Toro Rosso 1m26.738s +4.419
8 Sutil Force India 1m27.606s +5.287
9 Schumacher Mercedes 1m29.768s +7.449

1. R. Barrichello	Williams FW32		1:22.319	 	39  	 pit
2. F. Massa Ferrari F10 1:23.847 +1.528 81
3. R. Kubica Renault R30 1:24.373 +2.054 15
4. S. Vettel Red Bull Racing RB6 1:24.633 +2.314 47
5. P. de la Rosa Sauber C29 1:25.039 +2.720 44 pit
6. J. Alguersuari Toro Rosso STR5 1:25.891 +3.572 57
7. L. Hamilton McLaren MP4-25 1:26.023 +3.704 19 pit
8. A. Sutil Force India VJM-03 1:27.606 +5.287 37 pit
9. M. Schumacher Mercedes GP W01 1:29.768 +7.449 11 pit
Felipe Massa doing very long run mainly in the mid and low 1m24s

1. R. Barrichello		1:22.319	 	39  	pit
2. F. Massa 1:22.872 +0.553 90
3. R. Kubica 1:24.373 +2.054 23 pit
4. S. Vettel 1:24.633 +2.314 52 pit
5. P. de la Rosa 1:25.039 +2.720 49
6. J. Alguersuari 1:25.756 +3.437 66 pit
7. L. Hamilton 1:26.023 +3.704 21 pit
8. A. Sutil 1:27.606 +5.287 37 pit
9. M. Schumacher 1:29.768 +7.449 11 pit

Felipe now in the mid 22's
1 Barrichello		1m22.319s
2 Mass 1m22.641s +0.322
3 Vettel 1m22.972s +0.653
4 Kubica 1m23.277s +0.958
5 De la Rosa 1m23.974s +1.655
6 Alguersuari 1m25.756s +3.437
7 Hamilton 1m26.023s +3.704
8 Sutil 1m27.606s +5.287
9 Schumacher 1m29.768s +7.449

1. R. Barrichello		1:22.319	 	42  	  
2. F. Massa 1:22.641 +0.322 95 pit
3. S. Vettel 1:22.752 +0.433 62
4. R. Kubica 1:23.277 +0.958 26 pit
5. P. de la Rosa 1:23.974 +1.655 58 pit
6. L. Hamilton 1:24.760 +2.441 23
7. J. Alguersuari 1:25.490 +3.171 78
8. A. Sutil 1:27.606 +5.287 37 pit
9. M. Schumacher 1:29.768 +7.449 11 pit

1. R. Barrichello		1:22.319	 	44  	 pit
2. F. Massa 1:22.641 +0.322 95 pit
3. S. Vettel 1:22.752 +0.433 65 pit
4. R. Kubica 1:23.277 +0.958 27
5. P. de la Rosa 1:23.974 +1.655 58 pit
6. L. Hamilton 1:24.065 +1.746 30
7. J. Alguersuari 1:25.490 +3.171 82 pit
8. A. Sutil 1:27.606 +5.287 37 pit
9. L. Di Grassi 1:27.780 +5.461 8
10. M. Schumacher 1:29.768 +7.449 11 pit

1. R. Barrichello		1:22.319	 	45  	  
2. F. Massa 1:22.641 +0.322 95 pit
3. Vettel 1:22.752 +0.433 65 pit
4. R. Kubica 1:23.277 +0.958 31
5. P. de la Rosa 1:23.974 +1.655 58 pit
6. L. Hamilton 1:24.065 +1.746 34
7. J. Alguersuari 1:25.490 +3.171 82 pit
8. L. Di Grassi 1:27.389 +5.070 11
9. A. Sutil 1:27.606 +5.287 37 pit
10. M. Schumacher 1:29.768 +7.449 12

1. M. Schumacher		1:20.971	 	14  	  
2. R. Barrichello 1:21.334 +0.363 48
3. F. Massa 1:22.641 +1.670 95 pit
4. S. Vettel 1:22.752 +1.781 65 pit
5. R. Kubica 1:23.277 +2.306 35 pit
6. P. de la Rosa 1:23.796 +2.825 62
7. L. Hamilton 1:24.063 +3.092 39
8. J. Alguersuari 1:25.490 +4.519 82 pit
9. L. Di Grassi 1:27.389 +6.418 13 pit
10. A. Sutil 1:27.606 +6.635 37 pit
Long runs:

* 1:25.730
* 1:26.209
* 1:24.760
* 1:24.416
* 1:24.065
* 1:24.362
* 1:24.424
* 1:24.304
* 1:24.345
* 1:24.370
* 1:24.665
* 1:24.178
* 1:24.215
* 1:24.063
* 1:24.494
* 1:24.469
* 1:24.695
* 1:24.572
* 1:24.498
* 1:24.620
* 1:24.828
* 1:24.888
* 1:25.007
* 1:25.074
* 1:25.177

26 lap run I didn't manage to record them all...

Michael Schumacher brings out the red flag ending his own and Lewis' run, so we won't have a a true picture of how much fuel either had on board...

* 1:25.686
* 1:25.490
* 1:25.635
* 1:25.641
* 1:25.912
* 1:25.715
* 1:26.403
* 1:26.019
* 1:26.216
* 1:27.078
* 1:27.472
1. M. Schumacher		1:20.613	 	22  	pit
2. R. Barrichello 1:21.334 +0.721 56 pit
3. F. Massa 1:22.071 +1.458 95
4. R. Kubica 1:22.120 +1.507 44 pit
5. S. Vettel 1:22.752 +2.139 65 pit
6. P. de la Rosa 1:23.796 +3.183 65
7. L. Hamilton 1:24.063 +3.450 48 pit
8. J. Alguersuari 1:25.490 +4.877 82 pit
9. L. Di Grassi 1:27.389 +6.776 16 pit
10. A. Sutil 1:27.606 +6.993 37 pit
1. M. Schumacher		1:20.613	 	35  	pit
2. R. Barrichello 1:21.334 +0.721 68 pit
3. F. Massa 1:22.071 +1.458 106 pit
4. R. Kubica 1:22.120 +1.507 51 pit
5. S. Vettel 1:22.752 +2.139 65 pit
6. L. Hamilton 1:23.469 +2.856 56
7. P. de la Rosa 1:23.796 +3.183 72
8. J. Alguersuari 1:25.490 +4.877 82 pit
9. L. Di Grassi 1:26.881 +6.268 24 pit
10. A. Sutil 1:27.606 +6.993 37 pit
24 laps ending with:

1. R. Barrichello		1:20.341	 	80  	pit
2. M. Schumacher 1:20.613 +0.272 44
3. F. Massa 1:21.850 +1.509 116
4. R. Kubica 1:22.120 +1.779 59
5. P. de la Rosa 1:22.635 +2.294 85 pit
6. A. Sutil 1:22.709 +2.368 49 pit
7. S. Vettel 1:22.752 +2.411 65 pit
8. L. Hamilton 1:23.365 +3.024 72 pit
9. J. Alguersuari 1:25.490 +5.149 82 pit
10. L. Di Grassi 1:25.683 +5.342 35 pit
1 Barrichello		1m20.341s
2 Sutil 1m20.605s +0.264
3 Schumacher 1m20.613s +0.272
4 Kubica 1m21.577s +1.236
5 Massa 1m21.850s +1.509
6 De la Rosa 1m22.635s +2.294
7 Vettel 1m22.752s +2.411
8 Hamilton 1m23.365s +3.024
9 Alguersuari 1m25.490s +5.149
10 Di Grassi 1m25.683s +5.342
Well I hate to say it, but it's not looking good for McLaren.
They seem to be consistently slower than the front runners.

Unless of course they're not showing their true pace... :nah:
Felipe's long run was in the 1:24's for the most part but he did put in some low 23's and high 22's just before he stopped out on track. There is some speculation that Felipe had in fact run out of fuel.
1. A. Sutil			1:20.253	 	72  	pit
2. R. Barrichello 1:20.341 +0.088 90 pit
3. M. Schumacher 1:20.613 +0.360 72 pit
4. R. Kubica 1:21.563 +1.310 79
5. F. Massa 1:21.566 +1.313 144
6. P. de la Rosa 1:22.134 +1.881 104
7. S. Vettel 1:22.752 +2.499 65 pit
8. L. Di Grassi 1:22.912 +2.659 50 pit
9. L. Hamilton 1:23.365 +3.112 96
10. J. Alguersuari 1:24.518 +4.265 94

1. A. Sutil			1:20.253	 	73  	  
2. R. Barrichello 1:20.341 +0.088 90 pit
3. M. Schumacher 1:20.613 +0.360 73
4. S. Vettel 1:21.203 +0.950 78
5. R. Kubica 1:21.509 +1.256 79
6. F. Massa 1:21.566 +1.313 152 pit
7. P. de la Rosa 1:22.134 +1.881 105 pit
8. L. Di Grassi 1:22.912 +2.659 57 pit
9. L. Hamilton 1:23.365 +3.112 106 pit
10. J. Alguersuari 1:24.518 +4.265 98 pit

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