If the FIA DQed all for illegal overalls.......


No passing through my dirty air please
The championship would look like this.....

1 Jarno Trulli - 148pts - 4 wins
2 Jerome d'Ambrosio 141pts
3 Heiki Kovalaninin 136 pts - 4 wins
4 Timo Glock 136 pts - 1 win
5 Antonio Liuzzi 82 pts - 1 win
6 Narain Karthikeyan 60 pts
7 Daniel Ricciardio 24 pts
8 Karun Chandhock 10 pts

(please notes points were not awarded if a car did not finish the race)

Highlights of the season so far would have been Trulli's hatrick of wins in Turkey, Spain and Monoco, as well as a fabulous win by Liuzzi in the wet at Canada.

Talking points would have been Glock win in Britain and whether this put Virgin in the title race proper as well as the amount of retirments Kovi has stacked up which has been the only thing preventing him being out in front in the title race.

Biggest talking point would of course have been why Lotus decided to drop the championship leader for the German GP? Obviously a blatent move to get Kovi back in the running.
I'm sorry, Illegal overalls? Have I missed something here?
Some drivers have the "FIA approved" symbol attached to their overalls as patches, as opposed to being embroidered directly onto the overall. There was a warning memo sent out to some drivers last weekend. Storm in a teacup really.
Here you go Raspy:

Was waiting for some to write this article :snigger:

But one thing, sometimes if you get disqualified the people behind you don't get the points? I have seen that happen before
True, but I remember seeing drivers in the points and get DQed and the driver behind not inheriting the points.

Then again....I could have imagined it :unsure:

A question for Ask the Apex maybe? :thinking:
I can't remember that myself - I remember Schumacher getting all his points took off him but that doesn't mean everyone was promoted up in the races he'd been in.

Anyway this thread was done half heartedly but I've actually learnt something from it. No one seems to have a great love for Trulli, not on this site or in the media, yet if you look at these stats you can see in a 'b' championship situation even having done one less GP than Kovi he'd still be sitting in front of him points wise - so you have to conclude he can't be doing that bad a job even with the pants power steering.

I think it inforces a point I made before that d'Ambrosio is doing a solid job too even if there is talk of Grosjean replacing him. I kinda like the guy - I hope he holds on to a drive for next year
Anyway this thread was done half heartedly but I've actually learnt something from it. No one seems to have a great love for Trulli, not on this site or in the media, yet if you look at these stats you can see in a 'b' championship situation even having done one less GP than Kovi he'd still be sitting in front of him points wise - so you have to conclude he can't be doing that bad a job even with the pants power steering.

I think it inforces a point I made before that d'Ambrosio is doing a solid job too even if there is talk of Grosjean replacing him. I kinda like the guy - I hope he holds on to a drive for next year

I know it was light-hearted dude, sorry for messing it up a litte but I was intrigued on that situation.

I like Trulli, a bit...but I kind of lost interest in the last two season. Was wanting him to win for Toyota early in 2009.

Glock has the same points as Kovaleinen but only has 1 win compared to Kovaleinen's 4 :unsure:
I know it was light-hearted dude, sorry for messing it up a litte but I was intrigued on that situation.

no dude I didn't mean you - I meant I did the figures as a joke and actually learned something - mainly the point you're getting at with Kovi - he's had a lot of DNF's this year - mainly of his own making. Maybe he's not doing that great a job for Lotus
Yeah that is an interesting aspect, but I guess no one wants to back Trulli up as they want him out? :snigger:

Also just noticed d'Ambrosio is second with no wins at all! :shocked:
Full Results for the B championship


1 Trulli
2 D’ambrosio
3 Glock


1 Kovalainien
2 Glock


1 Kov
2 Trulli
3 d’Ambrosio
4 Glock
5 Liuzzi
6 Karth


1 Trulli
2 Kov
3 d’ambro
4 karth
5 Liuzzo


1 Trulli
2 Glock
3 d’ambro
4 Karth


1 Trulli
2 Kovi
3 d’ambro
4 Liuzzi
5 Karth


1 Liuzzi
2 d’Ambro
3 Glock
4 Trulli
5 Karth


1 Kov
2 Trulli
3 Glock
4 d’Ambrosio
5 Liuzzi
6 Karth


1 Glock
2 d’ambro
3 Liuzzi
4 Ricc


1 Kovi
2 Glock
3 d’amb
4 Ricc
5 Chan
Team orders I think, Kovi is clear number 1 and they can't stand seeing Jarno ahead of him, same for the HRT's, Why drop narain when he could comeback? I have to say its this type of thing which turns me away from the sport!
Trulli has also had mechanical issues, as has Glock.

I think Rasputin', stated above that most of Kovaleinen's retirements where his own fault.

no dude I didn't mean you - I meant I did the figures as a joke and actually learned something - mainly the point you're getting at with Kovi - he's had a lot of DNF's this year - mainly of his own making. Maybe he's not doing that great a job for Lotus
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