How long until HRT disappear from F1?

I don't think any of us wanted them to fail from the start, but this debacle has gone on far enough now and 2 years on the bounce no pre season testing is darn right dangerous.

I was with Luca on this. I didn't want them in the first place and I wanted them to fail from the start.
I hope they disappear. Even a year ago I didn't support any of the three new teams. I would rather have had 3 car teams.

HRT is just a safety risk given how slow they are. And Virgin and Team Asia Renault are just making up the numbers.

I like the 3 Car idea. Personally I think the rules concerning manufactours should be opened upagin let teams sell there cars to other teams, have 3 championships, drivers, teams and Manufacturs, with the TV money, or at least most of it. going to the teams going to the cars. perhaps even a wildcard system the two wheeled version have.

Whilst i understand that a lot of it is do do with history. I never really understood the obsession with having each team produce there own car.

Sorry off-topic there
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