Attention Happy 10th Birthday Clip the Apex

The funny thing is I remember stumbling across it recently and I can't find it for love or money.

The one bit I remember is the part where I went "it's up To Ron To...."

With around 11'000 posts and search not picking it out, the words needle and haystack spring to mind.
Im interested to learn more about ray. Because might have said before, ive had 1 encounter when he came in spouting how he was going to ruin us, personally kill off the forum. It was like some weirdo/serial killer talk

The funny thing is unless ray is Christian horner. Then red bull got to us before he could carry out his empty threat :D
He was pretty mental over at 606 but just over excited and unwilling to give up an argument. The whole Mika Salo saying Kubica had a missing finger debate on here sticks in my head. That and him trying to get Fernando's autograph at Montreal. I always saw him as just over excitable though and not one with the threats. In some ways I kinda liked long as I didn't get stuck in a room with him.
The whole Mika Salo saying Kubica had a missing finger debate on here sticks in my head.

Really? I must have missed that one. We have had some on here who could have an argument in an empty room, Cookinflatsix springs to mind in that department. I really don't miss those who felt the need for "point by point" rebuttals, I used to lose the will to live when you saw something you had written had been quoted and then dissected.

I'm pretty sure that doesn't happen to me now due to the "Ignore" feature LOL
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In my memories I forgot to bring up the fun that's been had on this site with the Tin Foil hat analogy for conspiracy theorists. Originally aimed at Hamilton fans claiming McLaren were deliberatly making him lose to Button for race reason it's become a common vernacular now for any F1 conspiracy theory. I even heard David Croft say 'put on your tin foil hats....' in commentary once.

I'm not 100% sure where it started but I believe it was with CTA members. Maybe on 606 if not here.
Really? I must have missed that one.

I think you were involved. It was all about Finnish being a language so obscure it was like Martian. Ray was arguing that we had all translated what Salo said wrong. Even our Finnish speaking member Sarkari.

We have had some on here who could have an argument in an empty room, Cookinflatsix springs to mind in that department

Yeah think that guy stunk up a few forums.

I really don't miss those who felt the need for "point by point" rebuttals

Yeah they are annoying.
What, in a different forum?

Yeah over in the old forum. I was in but obviously he did it through a private message. So wouldn't surprise me if he send to everyone on there

I was never worried. Because like all trolls, he was harmless & just some guy with empty threats
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I like it here. It is s microcosm of my world, with many people I like and enjoy talking to, some highly knowledgeable and intelligent people, funny, pedantic and sharp people, and a couple of utter nobs, who have fortunately been shown the door.

I got to meet Christian Horner and Mark Webber and tour the Red Bull factory - thanks Brogan and got to spend a few joyful months as a mod. At this point I diff my cap to those who stuck it out, unlike my snowflake self!! It really did show me another side to the world that i only heard about in horror stories

And if not for this place, i would never have met my cycling buddy gethinceri without whom my life would be measurably less joyful.

I think it is a credit to the hard work of all those involved in running the site over the years, Brogan , FB , cider_and_toast and all the mods over the years, along with the high quality postings, oh and the dross from RasputinLives (only joking!!) That make it worth keeping logging in.

It has been ......... intersting thanks all, keep it real.

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