Grand National or the Aintree Abattoir Thread


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I'm surprised no one has mentioned the Geegee's yet. I think it could be because its the wrong sort of horsepower for this forum!

What tips have we heard and who are we backing?

The BBC recommend the 5 horses below so I've placed a cheeky £1 each way on all of them. Beers are on me if any of them come home!

1. Calgary Bay
2. Don't Push It
3. Oscar Time
4. Niche Market
5. West End Rocker
Heard no tips..
But for what it's worth I'm backing Niche Market, Majestic Concorde and Oscar Time to somehow make up the first three.

So they'll all fall immediately ;)'racing'....
3 out of my 5 horses placed 2,3 & 5 so not a bad days racing which earned me a massive £8! Take that off the beer bill consumed during the afternoon and I'm in the negative figures. Bettings a mug's game! I'll stick to watching sport on TV with a nice home cooked meal and a cup of tea!
Time for a bump....

Which horses are we backing this year and which ones are going to be served in the burger vans shortly after the race?

Oh yeah and could a passing mod please take the date off the title!
Seabass is only one of the favourites due to the amount of money been placed on it. People are predicting the 1st win by a female jockey which is why it's a popular bet. I may put a cheeky £2 each way on it though.
Rare Bob, Chicago Grey, Imperial Commander and The Rainbow Hunter, in no particular order. I won't bet as I haven't won since I was 17 and placed a bet on Red Alligator.

It's a race that rewards the 'still standing' rather than the best runners - but I will watch to see if I should have placed a bet!!
I've got some cheeky each way bets on Big Fella Thanks, Join Together & Teaforthree and then a fiver on On His Own to win.

Hopefully should win enough to cover my beer money!

I'm going predict that Seabass will be a faller on the 1st lap, way too much hype over that horse, the way the commentators are talking its only a 2 horse race.
On finding out Sir Alex's horses are in the race I change all my predictions to What A Friend and Harry the Viking! As well as TeaForThree still
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