Ford suing Ferrari over use of F150 name

Thats a shame, would have loved to see Ford and Fezza at each others throats. Remember in the 60s when Ferrari refused to let Henry Ford buy them, and he was furious. Tried to beat them in every motorsport that they were in.
Thats a shame, would have loved to see Ford and Fezza at each others throats. Remember in the 60s when Ferrari refused to let Henry Ford buy them, and he was furious. Tried to beat them in every motorsport that they were in.

...and did.

Diabolical new name. "150th" isn't very Italian, is it? Or am I wrong?
Given Ferrari's propensity to sue anyone who even thinks about using the Ferrari name without permission I do find this quite amusing. Remember when Batracer (a crappy on line game for heavens sake) was shut down with threats of legal action from Maranello.

What comes around goes around. Maybe a suitable compromise woudl be either for the Ferrari F1 cars to carry the Ford roundal on the airbox or they change their name to Scuderia Marlboro Ford Ferrari?

Sorry Gethin, I'm a Batracer addict but by comparison with Ferrari it's little league. You can join the Clip the Apex clan if you want.
OFF TOPIC - Don't know the code for the smiley.
FB said:
Sorry Gethin, I'm a Batracer addict but by comparison with Ferrari it's little league. You can join the Clip The Apex clan if you want.

It is very addictive, trouble is trying to log on each day. Won my first title after two years a few weeks ago :) (only a private game though)
I have already shared my opinion on the Clip the Apex Clan in Batracer with Brogan. Suffice to say that there is always an invitation for a battle with Welsh Dragons should you ever be brave enough..........................
And I'm always happy to team up with fellow nutters, I'm easy to track down in Batracer.
I really wonder what Ferrari are up to - although you feel Ford are just making a point because of their history, and Ferrari's attitude to others (seriously, how many people looking to buy an F150 are (a) first time buyers, or (b) able to use the internet and think - nope, can't get me tools in the back of that!).

How many people are out there who didn't make the link? Yet Ferrari have teams of marketing personnel who's job is to maximise consumer benefit from their image. Did Ferrari really think it was OK to copy the name of the most widely sold car over the last few decades? Maybe they should have gone for the Canyonerro :)

When you look at the completely inappropriate press releases Ferrari made during last season you have to wonder if they've go an internal competition of: See who can get us closest to court without actually setting foot inside - first prize, a night out with Berlesconi.
Since I have always considered the Ferrari name for the current F1 car to be an attempt to further the political aspirations of DiMontezemalo, I think they should rename it the "vote for Luca Mark 1"
Since I have always considered the Ferrari name for the current F1 car to be an attempt to further the political aspirations of DiMontezemalo, I think they should rename it the "vote for Luca Mark 1"

Or "VotaLuca Marchio Uno" :D

Can't say I'm surprised with this - Ford haven't exactly come out of the recession unscathed so need both the publicity and the money.

Plus, it's good to see Ferrari get a taste of their own 'medicina'.

(Thank god for Google Translate!)
Or "VotaLuca Marchio Uno" :D

Can't say I'm surprised with this - Ford haven't exactly come out of the recession unscathed so need both the publicity and the money.

Plus, it's good to see Ferrari get a taste of their own 'medicina'.

(Thank god for Google Translate!)

My Avatar just before the old site went...

Or "VotaLuca Marchio Uno" :DCan't say I'm surprised with this - Ford haven't exactly come out of the recession unscathed so need both the publicity and the money.

American auto giant Ford has reported a profit of $6.6 billion (£4.1bn) in 2010 - its best performance in more than a decade. Sales volumes climbed by 20% as the US carmaker credited an improving economy for increased demand for its F-Series pickup trucks, as reported by the BBC on its website. Meanwhile, sales by value rose by 3% to $120.9 billion.

And, they did not take one penny of the government bailout money, the only US manufacturer not to do so.

Ferrari did $2.4 billion in total sales for $334 million in profit in 2009. Does anybody have the 2010 figures?

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