Technical FIA testing forward roll-hoops

It is simple, you either put a full canopy on or nothing, the forward hoop is just going to make life worse.

As for diving in the wet, there are already wiperless screens out there, but right now they are way too expensive to be put onto road cars, with a little shove from F1 and the investment it will receive then it may just make it a technology mature enough to put onto road cars and hence make someone some money....
Out of interest canis, why do you say a forward roll hoop would make matters worse? I would have thought it might do a good job of providing protection from stray wheels, bodywork etc. as well as from flying cars coming in from the side. It would also provide enhanced roll protection, especially in gravel or grass.
The main objection to canopies as far as I can make out, at least when applied to open wheel cars, would be the possibility that a flying wheel could quite possibly bounce off the canopy into the spectators. I believe that when they tested the forward hoops the tendency of the wheel to bounce a great distance beyond the vehicle it hit was much reduced compared to the canopy or wiindscreen, as the tyre tended to deflate as it hit the hoop, thus reducing its 'bounciness'.
Chad Stewarthill the roll hoop would make things worse because we already have drivers saying after accidents that they couldn't see the other car due to the visibility from their position, you add the roll hoop in and that visibility is reduced even further. At least wih a canopy then it is clear and there is no blind spot created just by this addition....
canis I would have thought that most or all instances of driver visibilty issues relate to sideways or rearward (via the mirrors) vision. Forward roll hoops would do nothing to impede this.

What would help here would be:
a) bigger mirrors (stuff the aerodynamics, there are enough concessions to that already!) and
b) helmets with a wider lateral field of vision. I know there are karting helmets available with a wider aperture for precisely this reason, so why can't F1 helmets follow the same principle?
Brogan, that car looks very sexy!
All it needs now is a wider track to improve stability, and some wheel shrouds.
And it should then be painted silver and black, with maybe some red or yellow highlights and numbers (one colour for each driver). Even better if it had a hybrid engine. :whistle:
Chad Stewarthill You are correct that most of the vision issues are to the side and rear, however not one single driver can see their front wing either. When driving a car with limited visibility in one direction, no solution should then reduce the visibility in another unless it is absolutely necessary...

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