F1 bid to buy out CVC and end Bernie's reign?

Not to mention that if Sky did that, F1 would pretty much become a UK-exclusive sport. Sky is not so good about letting their properties be shown in countries outside of the UK. No smart person would sell F1 to Sky... then again, if CVC and Bernie were smart, would F1 need drastic life support?
The Murdoch Empire has multiple channels across the World so I don't see any restrictions in it getting outside of the UK or Europe but it would all be behind a pay wall. Hence why the EU would block such a proposal as how could Sky conduct fair bidding for the TV rights when they are the ones who want it most. After all, it was the EU who forced the FIA to disconnect the commercial rights from the sporting governance.
Hence my theory that Sky are being very helpful by providing bidding competition in order to push tye price up.
I guess Sky are just pushing the price up just in case BT bid as well

It will make F1 a pay per view sport and probably will not be free to air again
I really wonder if anyone really wants the commercial rights, it's become such a pain in the neck only megalomaniacs are interested hoping to impose their public power persona.
BT may bid for the TV rights but there is no way they would bid for ownership of F1. Besides, the same anti competition laws that would scupper any bid by Sky to own F1 would still apply to BT TV.

From 2017 I fully expect F1 to disappear fully behind Skg's pay wall. It would remain to be seen if a highlights package would also be sold to free to air channels and how.much content they would be able to show as part of the deal.

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