CTA Day out?

Id go. any excuse to take the Lotus home is good with me.

I was booked in earlier in the year but had to pull out... :sick:

I know one or two in the car factory too from different projects with them, so could maybe pull some strings if there is a group of :twisted: enthusiasts
Providing I can bring my long haired admiral along with me, I'd be up for it.

As for the Autosport show, I'm thinking of going but again, I'll have to check with the commander and chief home fleet.

Normally a trek down to Norfolk would be too much of a stretch for a day trip but my mum has recently moved down there. She is nagging me to pay a visit so I might combine both trips in one and I would have cheap accomodation to enable me to travel down the day before!
F1Yorkshire said:
Normally a trek down to Norfolk would be too much of a stretch.

Fixed. :thumbsup:

Seriously, if this was the limiting factor for anybody that is too far out to do it in a day, but wanted to, make some noise... Have holiday places out that way, all within an hour of Hethel, so distance alone should not be an excuse hopefully... provided we finalise dates before they are all booked up...
Anyone car to suggest some dates? I would probably bring the kids (so that's 3 from chez FB) but can't imagine my missus would have even the SLIGHtEST interest in wandering round "a garage".
Can't suggest a date for a good few weeks until I find out what my work rota is going to be like.

As for the Autosport show, I've got two tickets for Saturday (3.30pm Arena Show). Looking forward to it.
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