Technical Can we talk about the Halo?

F1's Halo Device?

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cant believe im going to say this, but I prefer the halo :o

the aeroscreen looks quite vertical & I worry when it rains because you cant exactly stick windscreen wipers on it, if your going to do this then should you go the whole hog
Yeah, agree Greenlantern101. If we are going to protect the driver then the canopy at least has a clean look about it. Halos and screens are only there to give the impression of open cockpit racing. We may as well forget that now. We are never going back to true open cockpit racing anyway.
Could FIA not just mandate that there be proper overhead protection and let each team or driver decide if they will use a halo, windscreen, or canopy? Might generate some interesting solutions.
Could FIA not just mandate that there be proper overhead protection and let each team or driver decide if they will use a halo, windscreen, or canopy? Might generate some interesting solutions.

Sadly within 5 minutes they would start turning them into aero devices and there would be all sorts of daft rules around them.
On one hand there's the sensible-sounding safety-first principle where driver protection is paramount and we must do everything in our power to keep them safe. On the other hand the chances of a freakish accident where a driver is seriously injured or dies because of the lack of a halo-type device is extremely remote, plus the excitement and future of the sport is definitely not enhanced by the addition of such a device. I for one like F1 less because of the halo.
On one hand there's the sensible-sounding safety-first principle where driver protection is paramount and we must do everything in our power to keep them safe. On the other hand the chances of a freakish accident where a driver is seriously injured or dies because of the lack of a halo-type device is extremely remote, plus the excitement and future of the sport is definitely not enhanced by the addition of such a device. I for one like F1 less because of the halo.
But Halo saved so many lives. How can you dislike it? - common argument.

I dislike it too.
yes id prefer in perfect world no halo looks bad. adds weight to already heavy cars in that 2004 ferrari full of fuel would still be 40kg lighter than a 2019 ferrari. but i genuinely don't notice it while racing & havent for a while now. of course it has saved 4ish drivers in f1 & lower formulae

Ruslan if we learnt anything we cant trust the teams to do anything as it will be comprised for pace

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