BRAWN-ula 1

To bring it all back on track..................

Imagine what's going to be like with NO REFUELING........... YAWN

the tongue in cheek part was understood, at least it was by me. as was my answer.

i am really sorry you deleted your comment cos i thought it was interesting and added something to the discussion. GM is right, the season is entertaining but somehow after the first few races it turned boring for lots of people. maybe that plays a part too, there was so much hope and some people feel let down.

ah, its all just a pastime really :) a shame you felt attacked in anyway. i can join the ranks and state that was at no time my intention.

a broad smiling me, i just found out one of my comments is used on the BBC main site and am well chuffed with all this fame. autograph sessions TBA
Amdathlonuk said:
To bring it all back on track..................

Imagine what's going to be like with NO REFUELING........... YAWN

For those that have found the races, well let's say less than thrilling, there is hope on the horizon. Technology is such, that people will soon be able to race against the F1 drivers in real time on the interweb thingy. At least, they hope it will be available by the British GP.
Article from The Times Online. Race against the Formula One stars online

Now, no shenanigans please! No punting drivers off because you don't like them, OK! :snigger:
I hope I don't open up a further can of worms in this debate by saying that I for one, am not getting any joy out of watching Button win. There are several reasons for this:

1) The Brawn "Rags to Riches story" is something of a myth made worse by the press. Honda/Bernie virtually funded the whole season for Brawn prior to Honda pulling out and this car was essentially complete. Given that Honda have been working on it for over a year it's no wonder that it's at the head of the field.

2) All though I think he has had some moments, I just don't think Button is that good a driver. Someone made a comment earlier that the situation this season gives outsiders the perfect ammunition to say it's all about the car, well in this instance they just may be right. I'm pretty sure that the Brawn would be even faster if driven by the likes of Alonso or maybe even Seb Vettel. I suppose Button must feel vindicated in doing the contract shuffle a few years back but if (as it seems certain he will) he takes the title this season it's not going to go down in history as one of the greats in my opinion.

The situation of one team dominating this season is not an unusual one for formula one after all we only have to go back to the early 00s for that so I can except that and there have been some interesting battles lower down the circuit as well. I think it's a little early to be writing the season off just yet given that we are not even a third of the way through.
The Brawn "Rags to Riches story" is something of a myth made worse by the press

Was anyone else shouting at the TV on Sunday when the Beeb wheeled dear old muddly out to further perpetuate this myth? I can't recall his exact words but it was somethign along the lines of "Isn't it amazing that a team that didn't even exist last season is winning everything?"; come on Muddly, I know you have to tow the BBC line but you should know better.

at first i was really chuffed for jenson, one of the unsung heroes of F1. always in the last part of the grid and still going on. moaning and groaning but getting on with the job, and then he won a race. dear dear, never expected that to happen. then he won another one and another one and then even i started to see somewhat of a pattern. patterns are never good in f1 cos it means you seen it before.

but if this has anything to do with the driver jenson button, i don't know. to me, its more i have a problem with processions. honestly, i think you under estimate button. he has shown potential and lots of it, remember jenson was on the list of people ross thought about taking to ferrari. but in the honda of the past few years that was not too obvious. so in that way, i agree with you, button is a clear sign the car you are in does matter.

basically, i think what we see is also something else. a point which so far might not be discussed too much.

some people can run F1 stables better then others. jean todt was good, ron dennis was good, ross brawn is good. martin whitmarsh and the guy in charge of ferrari are not that good. the same goes for bmw, whoever is in charge there should go back to kindergarten and fast to get re trained.
Boga, I agree with a lot of what you say there.

The thing is with Button, as you say, he did show a lot of potential at one time but I still don't think that makes him a great driver but as always, the thing with F1 is that the title dosn't always go to the greatest drivers. If he wins the title I would place him in the same bracket as Damon Hill or Mario Andretti who were on their day great drivers but were helped more by having a car that was the class of the field. I enjoy watching those drivers who seem to squeeze a little extra out of a car that by rights shouldn't be where it is. Alonso seems to consistantly be able to out perform his car and to expand on what I said above, I would love to see Vettel or Rosberg in the Brawn car to see how much quicker they would be.
To think we were all so positive back before the Bahrain GP! Look, Australia was fantastic, Malaysia was interesting even before the rain (and according to Kimi wet even before the rain) and China was good. Bahrain was a decent tactical battle.

I don't think you can declare anything the "worst season ever" because of boring Spanish and Monaco Grand Prix! I think thats pretty much par for the course. If you get boredom at Melbourne, Silverstone, Montreal (RIP) and Spa then you may have a point.

Lets see what happens at Istanbul Park before we condemn the season to the grave! Its not 2002 (the animals went in two-by-two...) or 2004 (Schu-Bar-Butt, Schu-Bar-Butt, Schu-Butt-Bar, Bar-Schu-But...) so calm down.

I think Red Bull have been unlucky to get stuck in both Spain and Bahrain and Vettel still has plenty of time - Button is not invincible. Vettel needs to just edit his strategies and he could be well up front. (They were always going to struggle in Monaco!)

What interests me is how the "top" drivers are going on. Alonso is barely noticable apart from his political views as he trundles around lonely in the points every week. Raikkonen seems to care less and less, while Felipe (Baby) Massa is looking better than when he was in the comparable Sauber. Hamilton is the really interesting one, he seems to want to win every race even when it is unrealistic and is pushing to - and beyond - the limit constantly! He was doing really well (on track) 'till he threw his best chance of a podium into the tyre wall at Mirabeau!

Lets wait 'till Abu Dhabi to evaluate please!

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