I think the problem with holding a grand prix in America is that it has no appeal. Don't take this the wrong way, but when it comes to sport, Americans are quite insular and tend to only follow their own sports, e.g. Baseball, American Football, Nascar, etc - all sports with a huge draw in the US and significantly less following elsewhere. US F1 might have helped in this respect, if they had been able to sign a local boy (and get a car as far as the grid).
Further afield, I can see a grand prix being popular in Russia, but at what cost? Would we be looking at a repeat of Turkey or China, with tickets priced beyond the reach of the true fans, leading to empty grandstands? I don't know what the average salary is like, but we can be sure that Bernie will be negotiating keenly, although whether an F1 race would get government backing is probably debatable, which leads me to believe that the average ticket price would be out of reach of the average fan.