When I think of the 'average' BBC sports viewer, whether F1 or any other, I think of my father-in-law.
He has little, or no, real interest in any sport in terms of strategy, technique or the underlying technology involved.
He is only interested in whether his favourite wins or not, that being:
- Jenson or Lewis in F1 (Chilton won't appear on his radar, just as DiResta seldom did)and fiercely anti-Ferrari, due in no small part to my support of them
- Murray in tennis, grudgingly, as Tim will always be better!
- Manchester Utd (high probability of winning, so that choice my magically change soon) and England (patriotic to a fault) in football and anti-Liverpool for much the same reason as being anti-Ferrari
- The other addition to these would be anybody wearing the Union flag or St George's Cross when it comes to Olympics (winter or summer), the Six Nations (despite zero understanding of rugby) or any other international based contest.
He is also capable of 'watching' sport while carrying on a conversation, over the top of anyone really watching and listening, on almost any subject upon which he is, of course, an expert on all aspects of. This does, however, tend to come to an abrupt halt if he starts to lose the upper hand and everybody is told to 'shut up, I'm trying to watch the racing'.
Much of the sports coverage is missed as he is, invariably, sleeping through vast chunks of it, while still being able to claim that the winner was 'brilliant from start to finish' or 'just lucky, and that lot are always cheating' depending on whether the result matches his expectation, when he returns to the land of the living!
Away from sport he watches every Soap Opera and Talent(less) Show there is, and has The Sun delivered every morning - with the whole household under almost pain of death should they so much as utter a whisper while he watches or reads!
The UK is full to overflowing with people like him, just as much as his armchair is overflowing with the size of him!
In short, he is an insufferable bore and BBC is cutting out the techy stuff as they know he doesn't want, or understand, a word of it!