FB Not my cup of cake Valued Member 28 May 2012 #2 Kobayashi demonstrates the correct way to get out of Pastor Maldonado's way.
tooncheese Hans Heyer Contributor 28 May 2012 #5 Kamui's suspicions that Peter Sauber used to be the captain on star trek are confirmed as he is beamed up mid-race.
Kamui's suspicions that Peter Sauber used to be the captain on star trek are confirmed as he is beamed up mid-race.
Jen Here be dragons. Contributor 28 May 2012 #8 Aren't we supposed to save levitation for the Indian GP?
FB Not my cup of cake Valued Member 28 May 2012 #10 To continue a recent theme of mine: Idiot forgets an F1 car is supposed to be driven on the road!
Mike Resident Web Developer Boffin Valued Member 28 May 2012 #11 Reports indicate that the other teams are not worried about copying Sauber's dynamic ride height system.
Reports indicate that the other teams are not worried about copying Sauber's dynamic ride height system.
Brogan Legend Staff Member 28 May 2012 #13 Kobayashi penalised for having all four wheels off the circuit.
mjo Procrastinating Contributor 28 May 2012 #14 Guys, you're meant to create downforce not take it away.
M Mephistopheles Banned Contributor 28 May 2012 #16 Kobayashi radios the pits and says Guys I think you've put the wings on upside down, I have no grip...
Kobayashi radios the pits and says Guys I think you've put the wings on upside down, I have no grip...
gethinceri Lance Stroll Fan. Alfa Romeo Fan. Contributor 28 May 2012 #17 Kamui: "Cup this one Jos the Boss!" See the weather thread.