A new team?

Just for you Brogan and many others I'm sure...
The rumour on twitter is that the team are using Damon Hill's expertise, in return for providing Josh Hill with a drive. Damon's input has provided a bit more gravitas.
I get the feeling that Julia Wurz may be a member of this venerable forum. The story so far ...

It's 1.00 am and Julia Wurz is worrying about the recession and cost cutting in F1. "WTF am I going to to do if they lay me off." She asked herself. Hours later, Julia decides to log on to Clip The Apex, still wrestling with her conundrum.
"Maybe I should post on 'Ask The Apex' and see if any of the chums and chumesses have an idea." She thought, "oh, Jen has just posted in a new thread. I'll just have a look."

Jen is one of Julia's favourite members whom she has followed since secretly joining CTA yonks ago. Not an unreasonable decision considering Clip is the finest source of F1 data and incident analysis on the planet. Anyhowsy, Julia has just discovered F1-2112, a very special place on Clip The Apex

"AH! That's a good idea, why don't I write a fictional book based on reality. I don't even have to make up any names 'cause I can just ask hubby who they all are. Excellent, thanks teabagyokel for thinking that one up for me!"

Julia fell asleep and had the best kip she has had for ages. Upon awakening she gives a momentary thought as her conscience attempts to prick her forebrain. "Nah," she thinks, "all's fair in love and F1.," as she cranks up the laptop. After all, there's a website to build, synopsis to write and April Fool's gag to take advantage of. Whew 2013 is going to be hectic. "Put the kettle on Alex, I'm going to need a lot of coffee ...."
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