Thought I would start a thread as I am sure hardly anyone would be aware the water speed record is under threat and will probably be broken next year.
It has stood since 1978 and a few have died trying in the last 41 years.
The current record was set on Blowering dam at 511kph by Ken Warby, the challenger is Kens son and he has chosen the same water..
They have slowly been building up and ran at over 400kph a few months back, lucky for me Blowering dam is only 30min drive from home so I have every intention of being there when they decide to give it a serious run.
Very little information about the challenge and certainly none of the hype that accompanies land speed records but they do have a face book page if anyone is interested
It has stood since 1978 and a few have died trying in the last 41 years.
The current record was set on Blowering dam at 511kph by Ken Warby, the challenger is Kens son and he has chosen the same water..
They have slowly been building up and ran at over 400kph a few months back, lucky for me Blowering dam is only 30min drive from home so I have every intention of being there when they decide to give it a serious run.
Very little information about the challenge and certainly none of the hype that accompanies land speed records but they do have a face book page if anyone is interested
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