2014 and 2018 Winter Olympics

Saw an aerial view of Sochi this morning on the TV & there seems to be more green than white around.
Grass skiing anyone??
I see the GB team are recycling the Team GB mascots from 2012.
So far I've enjoyed the sports & with more rain forecast this weekend a perfect excuse to watch more :)
I watched a clip of the 1988 Jamaican bob sleigh team on BBC iplayer last nigh about their failed run I think it is fair to say that the film took quite a few liberties with the truth, such as them being on world record breaking time until the crash (They weren't even within qualifying time) and the cause of the crash being a bolt coming lose (No it wasn't it was piss poor driving and piss poor team alignment in the sled that caused the crash) and they never carried the sled on their shoulders over the finish line and nobody was cheering.

What a crock of shite...

People of Hollywood if you are going to make a film about a true story make sure you tell it truthfully...
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They weren't even the worst team there as well!

Film makers always make things up, you do know that the titanic never actually sank!
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I expect that the director of the opening ceremony will have been sent to a Siberian gulag by now...
The most important part of the opening ceremony other than lighting the flame, and it goes wrong.....in front of the whole world.

I suspect the gulag is wishful thinking. I suspect the chap responsible is already sleeping with the fishes.
The slopestyle is awesome, as is most of everything else in the X Games! Real sports or not the X Games is downright awesome and super entertaining. Crazy stuff goes down there every year. As for grass skiing, US freestyle skier Nick Goepper grew up in Southern Indiana and practiced over summer vacation on an Astroturf course of ramps and rails in his backyard, dishwasher detergent on his skis. Can't make this stuff up.
Congratulations to Jenny Jones. First ever British Olympic Medalist on snow. Okay it's only a :3rd: but well done nevertheless. I have to say that I'm surprised none of our skiers, ski jumpers, etc. hadn't done that already. Then again I don't really pay that much attention to sports that don't have engines in them.:snigger:
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A salient point Mephistopheles - I watched a few minutes of the coverage last Sunday morning, which happened to be just as Jenny Jones made her medal-winning Snow-SurfBoarding run, but the BBC commentary was so appalling I haven't watched any of it since. Possibly the least-engaging Winter Olympics ever?

...and when even R4 has news headlines about some tea-tray slider about to "win Team GB's first Gold", frankly they're just getting desperate. Counting chickens springs to mind, and even if she does, I bet it's the only one Team GB manages.
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