Pre-Season 2012 New Car Images & Discussion

I loved to watch F1 with pride, specially when it goes somewhere like the USA.
Mega fast cars with unreal turning speed that impresses everyone and the beauty, the beauty… oh wait. I’m starting to feel embarrassed how crap these cars look now. I’m already finding myself making excuses to people for them.
I'm now going to splurt out some random thoughts about what I think the bump might do...

The bump will deflect air upwards, so I guess it will produce a small amount of down-force but also some drag and maybe reduce the airflow to the back of the car slightly. So overall I think it will cause a small gain in front down-force, a small reduction in rear down-force and an increase in drag compared to the McLaren nose.

The main benefit as already stated though is to direct underneath the car, so what happens to airflow over the nose is almost certainly nowhere near as important as what's going on below.
Clearly aesthetics are nowhere on the radar screens of designers now.
If all of this year's cars were actors auditioning for parts in "the hunchback of Notre Dame", they would all be told that none of them were good-looking enough to play Quasimodo!
This has got to be the ugliest year for F1. Fortunately Mclaren has found a way around the nose drop, or they are waiting till the first test to introduce the ugly nose.

I'm wondering what Newey did with the new rules.
So there's the next "hot blowing" - venting the heat from the brakes through the diffuser...

BTW - what's the hammer head bit on the front of the FI? Part of the design or some piece of test equipment?
Jesus Christ not looking forward to the write up of the new Ferrari! Never thought id use ugly and Ferrari in the same sentence.

It should come with a government health warning.
I have to say after seeing the new Ferrari and Force India revealed today im a little worried for McLaren.

Lets start with Force India. I've compared shots from different views and I have to say the Force India looks to be more tightly packaged and have smaller sidepod inlets than the McLaren. It also has a "double" undercut floor, which helps aerodynamic flow to the rear of the car and the actual rear is very tidy with a large inlet to the starter motor hole.

On to the Ferrari - I know there are a lot of comments about how "ugly" it looks, but if you forget about that for a minute then the car is hugely innovative and a great display of engineering. They have got very small sidepods and have clearly used some new techniques to reduce the size of the impact structures. They are using pull-rod suspension at the front - the first time a car has used that in F1 for over 10 years, and they believe this will assist aerodynamics for their concept. The most interesting part by far is the back of the car where they have firstly built in a sort of chimney-like funnel for the exhaust outlet and managed to get it very close to the rear brake-ducts, which are widely recognised to be the most advantageous option for blowing exhausts in 2012. They have then made a new even slimmer gearbox that has allowed them to package the rear even more tightly and they have a very interesting circular plate between the rear beam wing and diffuser that appears to have the purpose of venting airflow down to the diffuser.

Compare this to McLaren - from their launch all we see is that they have a tidy car, that isn't even as tidy as the Force India and everyone is talking about how pretty their nose looks, but that it is aerodynamically inefficient because it does not allow airflow to the rest of the car to be maximized. Other than that I really do not know what to say. There were so many rumours of how we were going to be shocked or amazed at the launch and I find it quite disappointing. They say they have lots of bits to add on during testing but Ferrari seem to have a package that is already much more advanced, with new front and rear wings already attached before the first test.

All in all, my summary is that I think Force India will be strong in 2012 and will put up a big challenge for 5th place. Ferrari I believe could be the team to beat, if I were a betting person I would put money on them to win the WDC and Alonso to win the first race, right now. McLaren meanwhile I feel will turn up at the first race and be off the pace and may even end up behind Mercedes.

I know things could change hugely and we are still to see the Red Bull, but these are just my thoughts so far.
One other point, there were many complaints last year that drivers couldn't see the ends of the wings. Looks like this year they won't have the foggiest clue where the end of the nose is either. Well done the FIA, made a bad situation even worse.
Maybe they can tie a rag to it like builders do with overhanging ladders...
Legoland was how some new car designs were explained to me today and who am I to argue - they are, on the whole, fairly ugly but if they get the job done, great!

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