Grand Prix 2011 Hungarian Grand Prix Practice, Qualifying & Race Discussion

Who was saying 2011 was boring?

It's amazing how a few non Red Bull dominated races can change the complexion of F1 and suddenly it's exciting again. However before we get too carried away, Vettel still holds a massive points lead and despite a poor (by his standards) race in Germany, he is still hot favourite as the F1 circus rolls into Hungary.

Hungary isn't known for it's exciting races (apart from 2006 possibly thanks to the weather) due to the dust bowl and lack of overtaking oppurtunities, but if 2011 is anything to go by, the phrase 'no overtaking' has been thrown out of the dictionary.

Despite recent set backs Red Bull will be favourites to bounce back at a circuit which suits them to a tee with weather conditions that will be beneficial to Vettel who struggled with grip at the chilly Nurburgring. However Ferrari and Mclaren have shown that they won't just stand still and let Red Bull walk to the championship with Hamilton and Alonso winning in the last 2 grand prix.

Indeed Mclaren seemed to be in trouble going into the German GP as they were off the pace of the Red Bulls and Ferraris, but in Hamiltons hands the car made a miracle recovery to not only take a front row position ahead of Vettel, but take the teams third win of the season after very stiff competition from Alonso and Webber. Is this the start of the established teams fightback?

Even beleagured Ferrari driver Massa has showed improved form recently with two 5th placed positions in the last 2 races but they could have easily been 2 fourth places had it not been for a strong defensive rearguard from Hamilton in Silverstone and a pit stop mess up in Germany which enabled Vettel to get past on the last lap. As Ferrari plan to take the fight to Red Bull, they will need Massa to take points off Vettel and Webber if Alonso is to have any chance of a miracle fightback.

Mercedes are in a league of their own at the moment, but not in a good way. They are faster than the likes of Renault and Force India, but slower than Ferrari, Red Bull and Mclaren and the 7th/8th place almost has a Mercedes name penned in if there aren't any incidents, (which knowing Schumacher is rare)

Renault have dropped off badly after a strong start to the season and after a crash from Heidfeld and a poor race from Petrov, they now find themselves picking up the scraps in the midfield for 5th place in the championship as Mercedes start to pull away from the black and gold outfit, maybe a tweak of the exhaust might bring them better fortunes in Hungary.

One person who drove a great race in Germany but hardly got any recognition was Adrian Sutil who drove probably the best race of the German drivers. 6th place after a strong qualifying will no doubt relieve the pressure that had been building on him and will show to Di Resta that he won't have things his own way at Force India and that Hulkenberg might have to wait a while for a race seat.

No doubt that there won't be any uncertainties about the weather this weekend as more often than not Hungary provides a race weekend with 30 degree sunshine with not a cloud to be seen, apart from the 2006 race which was notable for Jenson Buttons first win in the Honda.

For Galahads superb circuit write up see here
Oh Jesus stop making Lewis the victim, he made a mistake, it could have gone wrong but it didn't, he put another racer in danger so he got a penalty. The only person responsible for this is himself.

Of course he deserved the penalty. He also deserved to be put on the right tyres which he wasn't. Lewis = Victim
Of course he deserved the penalty. He also deserved to be put on the right tyres which he wasn't. Lewis = Victim

I wasn't talking about that, I was responding to his second post in which he quoted me.

I have edited my post to include his post, as it was a bit confusing :)
Yet more unfulfilled potential from Lewis.

It matters not one iota what the reasons are, the fact of the matter is he should have chalked up another win today and instead it's a 4th place and a penalty.
I still can't believe McLaren thought Lewis was going to be able to pull a gap to make an extra pit stop. Why, oh why did they split their strategies up. They needed a 1-2 in this race, and they did their best not to achieve it.

Keke, you and FB and Brogan and MLCS really ought to re-open my McLaren Team Orders thread that was shut down yesterday because I have something to say about McLaren handing Vettel the WDC on a Silver Plate.

McLaren should have eaten into Vettel's WDC by having Hamilton leading a 1-2 for them, frankly. Instead, they stupidly gave up the 1-2 and now find themselves even further behind the young German.
That's nonsense, it was team orders that cost McLaren, because Hamilton was ahead, he was offered the choice of inters before Button, he took that choice and it cost him the best part of 23 points.
Personally I think that thread is better left closed as think you've said enough on the matter Ray. Knew it wouldn't take you long to start with the theories though..

The fact is, Hamilton just couldn't keep his car facing the right way and even on the "right" tyres (whos to say what was right at that exact point), Lewis would still have had a drive-through and still wouldn't have won or come second. The best he could hope for was 3rd after that.
That's nonsense, it was team orders that cost McLaren, because Hamilton was ahead, he was offered the choice of inters before Button, he took that choice and it cost him the best part of 23 points.
Look at what you are saying - 'he was offered the choice' and 'he took that choice' - so who's decision was it?
I'm not sure about that Rick, it would have been about 15/16 seconds, which would have put him 5/6 seconds behind Alonso so he would have had to catch up and then overtake Alonso.
OK, fair enough, Although I would have expected him to finish 3rd, so what you are saying is that even without the extra stop/"bad strategy", he still would have been 4th?
Without the drive through he would have been 4th anyway.

Without the inters who knows where he would have finished - somewhere in the top 3.
I'm not going to argue with the mods (MCLS and Brogan).

But you must understand that Hamilton was in the lead and when that's the case, you don't put him on the riskier strategy when the guys behind (Button and Vettel) have been put on the Primes.

McLaren put him under undue/stupid pressure by putting him on Super Softs. As Keke said, did they really think Hamilto was going to make up 18 seconds with less then 30 laps to go?

Be honest with yourselves and answer the question Keke asked on page 11 (the one I quoted in my earlier post)

Pretty stupid of McLaren to ask Lewis to pull out 18 seconds on his final set of Options/Super Softs when Button and Vettel were going to the end on Primes/Softs.

That's asking the impossible and putting your lead driver under stupid and unhealthy pressure.

Again, how was Hamilton to pull out 18 seconds in those conditions.

If you can't see what i'm getting at, then I can't help you. At least Keke The King gets it!
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