Well it's taken a while to make my decision but here goes.
I'd like to actually give it to EJ for calling DC & JH "muppets" during the weekends commentry

and also to Mercedes for their first engine powered podium 1,2,3 since aintree 1955 (if you can believe anything Matin Witmarsh says) but they are not drivers so...
But seriously if i were to take the thread by it's title i.e. driver of the weekend then it would have to go to Lewis Hamilton Statisticly.
Best Sector times - FP1,2,3,Quali, Race - 5/15
Fastest laps - FP1,2,3,Q1,Q2,Q3,Race - 4/7
Speed Trap - F1,2,3,Quali, Race - 1/5 (had quickest speed of weekend recorded during race @ 318kph)
Lowest position was 16th on lap 6 having started 6th (lot of sixes in there! and just to add another, at the end of the 2nd saftey car period on lap 25 he was in 6th!)
Overtaking - Immense (see stat thread for details) but it has to be said to find the grip and moves at turn 8/9 showed great racecraft & fun to watch.
That said here's where i follow suit with most and make a tendenancy to base it on just the race itself and inter team rivalry.
Hamilton - although deserving doesn't get it overall being marginally outpaced by his team mate on the basis of laps quicker than.
Full race distance - Button 29 v 27 Hamilton
Saftey car corrected - Button 27 v 23 Hamilton (saftey car laps noted by G in ovetaking stats thread removed)
I might here cry's of foul on the basis Hammy stopped more times yes he did but only once not under the SC with that being negated by the second SC, so here's a quick one on the last 17 laps and both back up to speed having completed the final pit stop and in a 1,2 position.
laps 40 to 56 - Button 9 v 8 Hamilton.
Button - Excellent drive again showing good tactical sense in the prevailing conditions but like hammy gets a no vote for although having the measure of his team mate in laps quicker than, the average time over those last 17 laps was marginally slower because of the one mistake and subsequent tyre temp loss. Also that bizzare SC restart had a bearing on my thoughts.
Next candidate Rosberg. Superb steady drive and again as Button good tactical sense early doors with the strategy. The comparision with Schumacher doesn't even bear thinking about over the entire race distance if your name is MS.
I could put the figures up but for arguments sake lets just say for those teams that had 2 cars cover the
full race distance Rosberg's domination was the most comprehensive of all. That followed suprisingly closely by Alonso over Massa but Alonso's jump start ensures he won't be getting the vote either.
Whilst on the subject of teamate domination that bring up the next two not to get voted for. Webber came 3rd in the "i was dominated" stakes and apart from the quali 1-2 of which Vettel's lap was awesome his subsequent race pace and pit lane antics crosses both Red bull's of the contender list.
This brings us onto Renault, both Kubica & Petrov running with good early stategies and members of the two stop club which had them up into 3rd & 4th Repectively early in the race until lap 27 where it started to go downhill for the pair. Again Kuica with a solid drive and for Petrov as a rookie showing good racecraft as pointed out by others but here's the killer for him, Petrov ranked 4th in the "i was dominated" lap list which actually was third in average time differential of the
full 56 lap distance runners.
Kovalainen does deserve a mention having ran in the top ten for all of 7 laps being brave enough to go with the 2 stop strategy while the majority went for the 3 lap inter destruction route. This culminated on lap 8 getting as high as 6th place (theres that 6 again)
Not many others to be in contention Hulkenberg & Alguersuari drove well, but 6 it stops!!
So who gets my vote?
For i think the second time this season
Brunno Senna.

? i was as well for a while
Here's the deal, he's finally gotten over the honeymoon period and admitted the HRT is the worst car in term's of grip level he's ever driven. That car is easily 4+ laps off the pace over a race distance and ok we may have had a few saftey cars to aid that stat in this race but here's the facts given both cars finished albeit not the full race distance.
Senna +2 Laps
Chandhok +4 Laps
To finish only two laps down is no mean feat in that car but whats even more impressive is the team mate domination, it's on a par with what Rosberg did to Schui but what is incredible is the the average lap time differental which tops the charts of 2 car finishers at a rate better than 3.5 secs a lap!
Mr Chandhok you've been blown away and lapped by your team mate!
Just for fun - Button v Senna, 49-7 nearly 6.2secs lap av diff. (corrected 47-3) (last 17 16-1)