Head To Head Nico Rosberg vs Lewis Hamilton

The comparison between Schumi and Rosberg points finishes is Schumi 12(2 DNFs)-15(3 DNFs) Nico in 2010, Schumi 11(5 DNFs)-14(2 DNFs)Nico and 2012 Schumi 8(7 DNFs)-10(3 DNFs) Nico, so overall
Schumi 31(14 DNFs)-39(8 DNFs)
There were a number of Schumacher-caused retirements, but in 2011 and 2012, Schumacher also suffered more than his fair share of broken cars through reliability issues, rather than brain issues! Although, maybe that's because he was being a car breaker! ;)
Not that my memory is too great but I believe that of those DNF's Schumi had rather too many due to brain-fade ... I suppose I'd better duck for cover for a while ... :shocked:

Only 3 of those 14 were due to his brainfades.

Not exactly a 'number'.
as for smooching the boss .. is not what Alonso / Senna/ Schumacher wanted
Rosberg when he speaks to the press he tends to be calm and honest without getting seriously animated like Hamilton ... Button was the same after his first season

If someone like Button can show it is possible to beat Hamilton even if the odds are stacked against you then it removes a slight air of invincibility from that driver then it will encourage Rosberg

Rosberg and Hamilton could have been teammates at Mclaren but his dad thought staying at Williams was better because Lewis could have sunk his career and no doubt using knowledge from karting days as an indication

The 3 years Rosberg has had against Schumacher means he's got a head start in team continuity but also been seen as No 2 and being able to prove critics wrong in that aspect. Okay Schumacher was past his prime but it was obvious he was going to get the attention because of his status and reputation. Rosberg could have easily been over rawed and got upset by the situation especially all the silly fanfare about having car No 3

He has come in for a lot of stick much similar to Button so are we going to see a similar career path now?

Hamilton's reputation would go down another notch if Rosberg beats him in my opinion


I know there are very good friends off track but when one is fighting for his career then that will be tested.

Rosberg always been high on a lot of top teams shopping list but there was always a question mark about his ability because the quality of his teammates - Webber did beat him remember

I expected him to start well because of his continuity. It is when Hamilton is fully settled then that would be a test in whether he can keep up or mentally disintegrate
The comparison between Schumi and Rosberg points finishes is Schumi 12(2 DNFs)-15(3 DNFs) Nico in 2010, Schumi 11(5 DNFs)-14(2 DNFs)Nico and 2012 Schumi 8(7 DNFs)-10(3 DNFs) Nico, so overall
Schumi 31(14 DNFs)-39(8 DNFs)

Schumi DNFs 2010: Malaysia- Mechanical, Abu Dhabi- Collision with Liuzzi
2011: Aus- Puncture damage, Monaco- Airbox(?) fire, Hungary- gearbox failure, Singapore- Racing incident/brain fade, going into the back of the earlier braking Perez, Korea- Taken out by Petrov
2012: Aus- Mechanical, China- Wheel not fitted, Spain- Brainfade, hitting Senna, Monaco- Mechanical, Canada- DRS failure, Hungary- Everything(!), Singapore- brainfade, into the back of Jev (What happened there?!) India- Gearbox

As opposed to Rosberg:
2010: Hungary- Wheel not fitted properly, Korea- Taken out by Webber
2011: Oz- Taken out by Rubens, Italy- Taken out by Liuzzi
2012: Japan- Taken out by Bruno Senna, lap one, Korea- Taken out by Kobayashi, Abu Dhabi- Collision with Karthikeyan
Yes. Uncharacteristic of him, but braking is essential to his style of driving. He's a late braker. If he hasn't got confidence in the brakes he looses his edge. He knows this and he needs to sort it. He blames no-one but himself. In the meantime an extremely able team mate is making full use of a car where the brakes do suit him. But I wouldn't bet against Lewis and Mercedes getting this sorted. Perhaps the addition of Lowe may help? He knows Lewis, knows his strengths and knows how to interpret his feedback. But full credit to Rosberg! He has the upper hand right now.
Yes. Uncharacteristic of him, but braking is essential to his style of driving. He's a late braker. If he hasn't got confidence in the brakes he looses his edge. He knows this and he needs to sort it. He blames no-one but himself............. But I wouldn't bet against Lewis and Mercedes getting this sorted.

:thinking: ........neither would I racecub.
That was kind of my point Mephistopheles. But.... despite this he's still able to achieve a front row at Monaco, however if his team mate has their perfect set up, this doesn't matter in the team mate battle as they will often come out on top in that scenario.
my mate who is a casual F1 fan asked me when the next GP was. I told him it was at Canada on Sunday and he got quite excited because 'Lewis is always good there' before stopping and saying "I guess he won't win though because Nico Rosberg is the lead driver now isn't he?"

I pretty much choked on my beer laughing and then threaterned to throw him to you lot.

As I generally don't talk to him about F1 it was interesting to hear him voice that opinion especially coming from someone who is the 'cheer on the brits' sports fan.
Umm I seem to remember a certain driver winning his second race for McLaren when he joined them in 2010 he seemed to settle in to the new car and team fairly quickly...
He also used the excuse of saying that the reason he was struggling was due to his seating position not being correct ;)
Mephistopheles - Much like Hamilton this year, those early victories (over his team-mate) were preludes to him getting regularly beaten by his team-mate.

Except, of course, that may not happen to Hamilton...
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