Head To Head Nico Rosberg vs Lewis Hamilton

Lewis wasn't trying to wind up Nico, and didn't throw his cap, but tossed it to him. At the same time, Hamilton handed Vettel his cap, who was standing to the right of him, who seemed to have asked Lewis if he had the right numbered cap. Rosberg stewing in the corner decided to throw the cap back at Lewis, who paused to look back at Nico, but decided then not to make an issue out of it, and just walk away. Hamilton passing Paddy Lowe, and tapped him on his shoulder as to say, that's alright Paddy, who at the time was glaring at Nico. .

It's fine Lewy, I know what I saw. Lewis was making sure Nico knows his place. All F1 drivers are bad losers, and I'd hope that Lewis would have done thrown it back if the situation was reversed.
How Lewis Hamilton and Nico Rosberg move forward after “Hat-Gate” F1 incident

James Allen as some including myself have alluded the Hat gate was blown out of proportion and Lewis was probably on such a high and got carried away and Nico so low he did not want to speak to anyone

ll_leone...The look that Paddy Lowe's gave to Nico in the pre-podium waiting room, was one of obvious disapproval regarding Nico's throwing his cap at Hamilton.

I can't see many who are so understanding of Rosberg's reaction, would be the same if the shoe was on the other foot, and Hamilton threw a cap at his teammate to show his displeasure.
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It's fine Lewy, I know what I saw. Lewis was making sure Nico knows his place. All F1 drivers are bad losers, and I'd hope that Lewis would have done thrown it back if the situation was reversed.

That's what you saw, and I saw something else completely different. All F1 drivers it's true hate to lose as you say, but I don't feel that Lewis would have thrown his cap at Nico, because the negative reaction to such an act on his part, would be thunderous.
The technical term is petulance, something that is prevalent in teenage years but normally dissipates towards maturity, however it is a trait of many sports persons. Wasn't that long ago that Lewis suffered from it and probably lost races due to it.
Lewywo4 Put yourself in both driver's situation first . If you were Lewis you would be ecstatic and cloud nine that you're the world champion. If you were Nico you would be down seeing the race was lost because of that mistake and thinking that the odds are against you

Now swap them around we would be talking about Lewis being a bad loser in front of global television

Paddy Lowe would be upset because it soured the success but then he has to deal with the emotions of both drivers that is his job. He's seen it enough times at Mclaren so he should be use to it. When Paddy has had a chance to listen to both drivers then he can understand that is part of driver management not turn into a coward like Christian Horner.

Mercedes have come out and said its been blown out of proportion. I've just read David Coulthard's post race column who criticised Nico at the time of the incident and has said it was a misunderstanding .

Now off course you're in Lewis' corner so you would probably say Nico baited him if it was the other way. I can see some people on here being rationale about it and had a chance to analyse the situation and not take it out of proportion

Now if someone threw something at you that you were not expecting how would you react?
There's throwing and then there's throwing.

If I was going to give someone their cap, who wasn't stood next to me, that is how I would do it.

If I was going to pass a cap back to someone who had passed it to me, that is not how I would do it.

However, considering the guy had just been soundly beaten (again), I can't blame him.

And if that isn't the final word on the matter then there's something wrong.

Nicely put Sir !!
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This was on the BBC website today. I thought it was a little harsh, but it turns out the headline is a bit misleading.

Lewis NR.gif
Would Hamilton help Rosberg to get second place in the championship?
Would Mercedes ask him to?
Or order him to ?
I don't think its a simple yes or no, though on the whole I think it's a no. And this is my reasoning.......

Do I think Hamilton will help Rosberg?
Let's look first at, ' do I think Hamilton will hand a win to Rosberg. No I don't think he will.
a) because of the nature of Lewis
b) because Lewis will want to retain wins for his own records
c) because Lewis wouldn't want to win by a gift.

Do I think Hamilton would help in any other way? Yes. So long as he didn't compromise his own race I think he would help by being in the right place at the right time. Perhaps keeping Vettel behind him at strategic moments. Or swapping pitstop slots ( as he's already done)

Will Merc ask Lewis to help him? Behind the scenes? They might but I don't think so. Outright team orders? No.

a) This would be bad for Merc's image when they've stated from the outset they let the drivers race, and with bith championships sealed they really have no excuse to not let them race.

b) They risk alienating their star driver who's just won back to back championships for them and is the one who would deliver should the field close up in the next year or two.

c) Receiving a gift would further damage Rosberg's fragile psychological state (hat incident), which wouldn't help next season.

d) Mercedes have both championships. If another driver finishes second, it somewhat takes the wind out of the sails of those who say Lewis and Mercedes only win by being the dominant car, unfair blah, blah, blah.

So so I don't think it would really be in anyone's interest for Mercedes to meddle in this.
Niki Lauda was interviewed on 5Live last night and said Nico and Lewis will be allowed to race in the last races of the season, in exactly the same way they have all season.
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