Head To Head Nico Rosberg vs Lewis Hamilton

A German world champion in a German car and Bernie usually likes to help promote races in the country the world champion was from except Silverstone

I am just saying someone on the Mercedes board might be pushing for this to happen down to Toto and Niki

I see it as a big PR opportunity missed then but then again Rosberg does not come across as German to the German media which is probably not helping
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Incidentally Rosberg becomes the 2nd Gp2 champion to be F1 world champion but after Hamilton and Rosberg the number of wins from GP2 champions in F1 after that is a combined total of 1 win
Well that will have something to do with the fact that GP2 has only been running for 10 years and in that 10 year run F1 has had the same bunch of 8 drivers dominating the top seats. It's only in the last season or so we've seen anyone able to break into the illumanti closed circle of the top earning, top sponsorship bringing drivers.

2 of then are now gone though so there is space for a few to push in now I guess.
In fairness to Il_leone until Hamilton, no champion in the 'second formula' had ever taken the F1 title. From the point Formula 2 became an official FIA championship, through F3000 and GP2.

If you look at almost every world champion going back decades (yes, decades), they are all in F1 seats by the time they are winning at F3 or Formula Renault 3.5 level. Very few make more than a, handful of F2/F3000/GP2 starts.
Dario Resta Its always a thing for the Mercedes board to have a German driver at least win in their car that that is why they wanted to do with Schumacher . It is good PR for them.
Paddy Lowe was wrong to try and interfere with Lewis' race and therefore diminish his own chance of winning the title.. basically someone decided before the race was over Nico should be champion

Mercedes want the best result for both cars. Hamilton / Rosberg or Rosberg /Hamilton - it doesn't matter. Both are employees, hired to come 1st and 2nd. Lewis tried to make one of their cars come lower than 2nd, and even jeopardise a win for himself and the team to further his own ambitions. What happened to driving it like you stole it?
Lewis ballsed it up completely today. I would have been happier seeing him streak away from the off and win by 20 seconds or more. Would have got tonnes more respect from fans, team and Rosberg alike.

However, if you're gonna employ the dodgy tactic of backing up your rival, then do it properly! Do it earlier, and more intensely. Go purposely wide one corner and let him get really close, wheel to wheel stuff, maybe get him to mess up in a dramatic fashion. Or even let him through then hassle him and rattle him into a mistake. Instead he waited to long, to do too little, too obviously.

Lewis lacked the grace to win the race at a canter, and lacked the enterprise to be a proper rascal. Easy for me to say, but it'll come back to bite him.
Dario Resta Then Toto Wolff went back on his promise that the team would not interfere with the driver's races. Considering the maths says Hamilton to win the title must win and Rosberg finish 4th then off course that would be what he wants to retain his title

If this was Schumcher who did it we would be saying what a stroke of genius and clever driving

I'd doubt Vettel would have passed Hamilton seeing how he was able to cover Rosberg by prevent him getting close in DRs range

If Rosberg actually went for it and tried to overtake Hamilton instead of asking the team to make him move over then it would have been more respected and maybe Hamilton would not try that tactic

vintly The tactic to drive away was pointless given the Red Bulls and Ferrari's were not close enough for him to trouble Rosberg so he could tdo that .. the only time he did was when Verstappen was still circulating around on his old set being too close for comfort

What hurts Hamilton is the way Paddy Lowe gave him the instruction to interfere with the race

The race to me today highlights the flaw in the team concept in F1 where the team wanted to win the race but the drivers are only interested in driving for themselves to win the title which you have to understand from a sport spectacle
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