Boyle Race Winner Contributor 16 August 2010 #1 Following my second victory in succession I feel it's time for another caption competition. Anyway, get your teeth stuck into this one: You have, as usual, about a week to get your entries in - so get cracking! Attachments alovetweb.webp 20.9 KB · Views: 242
Following my second victory in succession I feel it's time for another caption competition. Anyway, get your teeth stuck into this one: You have, as usual, about a week to get your entries in - so get cracking!
Boyle Race Winner Contributor 16 August 2010 #3 Mark: Oh for god's sake Seb, will you bloody grow up? For the last time I'm not playing cowboys and indians with you!
Mark: Oh for god's sake Seb, will you bloody grow up? For the last time I'm not playing cowboys and indians with you!
Speshal World Champion Valued Member 16 August 2010 #5 "It's OK Lads, Seb says it's that big and he hasn't noticed yet"
MCLS Anti F1 fan Valued Member 16 August 2010 #6 Vettel has lost his phone, "it is this big" he shows to Webber. Alonso winks and thumbs up to the camera showing he has it in his pocket
Vettel has lost his phone, "it is this big" he shows to Webber. Alonso winks and thumbs up to the camera showing he has it in his pocket
FB Not my cup of cake Valued Member 17 August 2010 #7 Fernando: You can all go home now. Felipe has done his job and let me finish in front of him.
Brogan Legend Staff Member 17 August 2010 #8 Mark discreetly checks whether he's an "Alonso" or a "Vettel".
MajorDanby Motorsports' answer to Eric the Eel Contributor 17 August 2010 #9 Webber tries to decide if he can truly compete with the 'big boys' of Formula 1
cider_and_toast Exulted Lord High Moderator of the Apex Staff Member Valued Member 17 August 2010 #10 Vettel: "Mark, First he's had a team mate crash for him and then a team mate let him past what have you ever done for me?" Webber: "Well I've never got this out and waved it at ya!!"
Vettel: "Mark, First he's had a team mate crash for him and then a team mate let him past what have you ever done for me?" Webber: "Well I've never got this out and waved it at ya!!"
McZiderRed Champion Elect Supporter 17 August 2010 #12 Alonso walks off, giving the thumbs up. "I don’t need to compare. My team has a radio message already prepared: ‘Fernando is much bigger than you...'"
Alonso walks off, giving the thumbs up. "I don’t need to compare. My team has a radio message already prepared: ‘Fernando is much bigger than you...'"
Brogan Legend Staff Member 17 August 2010 #13 McZiderRed said: Alonso walks off, giving the thumbs up. "I don’t need to compare. My team has a radio message already prepared: ‘Fernando is much bigger than you...'" Click to expand
McZiderRed said: Alonso walks off, giving the thumbs up. "I don’t need to compare. My team has a radio message already prepared: ‘Fernando is much bigger than you...'" Click to expand
GeoffP Wake me when we’re there Contributor 17 August 2010 #15 Whilst Webber queues for his drug test a sudden feeling that Vettel has rigged the result overcomes him
Whilst Webber queues for his drug test a sudden feeling that Vettel has rigged the result overcomes him
fat jez Race Winner Valued Member 17 August 2010 #16 "I tell you, Schumacher gave me this much room."
Boyle Race Winner Contributor 25 August 2010 #17 Poll is up guys! Not many entries this time round but at least there aren't so many to choose from.
Boyle Race Winner Contributor 31 August 2010 #18 Well, I think that people have had enough time to vote so it seems McZiderRed has wrested the CapCompChamp award from me. Over to you buddy!
Well, I think that people have had enough time to vote so it seems McZiderRed has wrested the CapCompChamp award from me. Over to you buddy!
McZiderRed Champion Elect Supporter 31 August 2010 #19 Thankyou! I'll try to find a suitable pic, probably after a short delay whist looking for a funny picture of vettel something potentially funny...
Thankyou! I'll try to find a suitable pic, probably after a short delay whist looking for a funny picture of vettel something potentially funny...