What Annoys Me About Rubens Barrichello


Rubens Barrichello had a right to be riled at the horror move committed by Schumacher and riled he was as he could have been seriously hurt had he made a date with that pit wall. And it seems in general, the pundits and fans who love Rubens (rightly as well - he comes across as a very nice guy which he is) were furious as well, especially David Coulthard, another of Schumi's ex mince meat rivals.

But too often he looks for the sympathy vote, acting as the victim of people's successes - self pity in other words which people fall for. He did it last year at Brawn when he said the team were favouring Button and he did it for 6 seasons at Ferrari, despite rarely upstaging Schumacher, despite him claiming it was he who setup the car for Schumacher even though both differ in style. Obviously Rubens was so disturbed by his tenure at Ferrari that he spent only 6 seasons at the Scuderia!

He should look for the wins and not the sympathy vote. There is severe animosity between Michael and Rubens and this was in no way helped when Rubens taunted Schumacher as being gay in a Brazil nightclub 2 years ago.


And that is a really hard view to take because I'm a big admirer of Rubens. Rubens should shut up about the past and get on with the future. If he's really that bothered about Schumacher why doesn't he confront him face to face in a civilised manner, rather than making sly whimpers with puppy dog eyes towards the press using them as a vehicle to exaggerate his input at Ferrari and undermine Schumacher's success.
Well, I cannot say that I agree with you there, because it is not something that is unique to any one driver.

Apart from the drivers who genuinely do not give a flying fig what anyone else thinks about them (Schuey, Kimi) they all play up the angle of someone being wronged and give the press a sob story.

Look at Hamilton's "its been so hard for me" interviews after Liegate. Take Alonso's multiple press puppy dogs when something has gone wrong etc.

Rubens Barrichello is an emotional guy. It is true that he rarely upstaged Schumacher, there is little doubt that the car was designed to a very specific Schuprint and that he would not be allowed to. I think it is easier to accept defeat if you had a fair crack at it.

As for the incident in a nightclub, I presume that you've said things when you're drunk (or have never been drunk). That Felipe Massa was singing it too was an indication of how much that affected anything!

And I ask, would you rather be a #2 at Ferrari or a #1 at (say) Jordan in 2000-2005? I think the Ferrari seat was the best on offer for RB whatever the contractual situation.
I agree with most of what you say McFerrari, Reubens does come across as a whiner and whinger. If he was so hard done by, he could have walked away from Ferrari, the fact he chose to stay is the reason his fellow countrymen lost all respect for him.

TBY - Everyone has a choice, but if he had wanted his pride intact and really not wanted to play second fiddle, there was no need for him to. The fact is that he was happy to take the $ and sit as a lapdog to Schumacher. The overriding fact is that he simply was not good enough to say NO to Ferrari and not even in the same league as Schumacher at most tracks.

Even at Brawn, he was a whinger, and started spitting his dummy out when it was obvious he couldn't beat Jenson, blaming it on the team rather than looking at his own driving.
Have to say, i agree, i think Rubens is becoming more annoying with age. To be honest, what really annoyed me was when he was on top gear and stated he was never aware of his status as a number 2, was really upset with austria 2002 and yet stayed at said team for a few more years until they replaced him with Massa. F1 drivers, like all top sportspeople, are hugely competitive and to simply roll over and then work for the same team after such a "betrayal" to me smacks of hypocrisy.

That said, i do think the Red Baron was far too harsh with his so called "defense" and am pleased he got a 10 spot grid drop for spa.
teabagyokel said:
Well, I cannot say that I agree with you there, because it is not something that is unique to any one driver.

Apart from the drivers who genuinely do not give a flying fig what anyone else thinks about them (Schuey, Kimi) they all play up the angle of someone being wronged and give the press a sob story.

Look at Hamilton's "its been so hard for me" interviews after Liegate. Take Alonso's multiple press puppy dogs when something has gone wrong etc.

Rubens Barrichello is an emotional guy. It is true that he rarely upstaged Schumacher, there is little doubt that the car was designed to a very specific Schuprint and that he would not be allowed to. I think it is easier to accept defeat if you had a fair crack at it.

As for the incident in a nightclub, I presume that you've said things when you're drunk (or have never been drunk). That Felipe Massa was singing it too was an indication of how much that affected anything!

And I ask, would you rather be a #2 at Ferrari or a #1 at (say) Jordan in 2000-2005? I think the Ferrari seat was the best on offer for RB whatever the contractual situation.

But at that stage in his career he still could have got a brilliant drive. He could have gone to Williams or Renault had he expressed an interest but no, he obviously thought different.
I find it hard to correlate Rubens' recent comments with his actions whilst at Ferrari.

The two would seem to be at odds with each other.

Having said that, whilst it's easy for us to sit here and slate drivers who accept being a No.2 or who move over for their teammate, the reality is, most of them have very little choice.
There aren't that many seats available in F1 so to put your current seat in jeopardy and be known as someone who isn't a team player, isn't going to do your career any favours.

Look at Alonso when he left McLaren, the teams weren't exactly beating down his door to offer him a drive and in fact if it hadn't been for Briatore, he could well have been without a drive.

So whilst I find it hard to accept Ruben's version of events, I can sympathise somewhat.
McFerrari said:
But at that stage in his career he still could have got a brilliant drive. He could have gone to Williams or Renault had he expressed an interest but no, he obviously thought different.

Williams? Brilliant? Not exactly how I'd describe them at that point. And during that period he'd probably have needed to be in Flavios pocket to get a Renault drive for any length of time.
Yeah, he may whine, but bet his bank account in Monaco has a few zero's in it.......& he'll come out of F1 as a nice bloke who came 2nd.....
Bullfrog said:
McFerrari said:
But at that stage in his career he still could have got a brilliant drive. He could have gone to Williams or Renault had he expressed an interest but no, he obviously thought different.

Williams? Brilliant? Not exactly how I'd describe them at that point. And during that period he'd probably have needed to be in Flavios pocket to get a Renault drive for any length of time.

Not brilliant yes, but more than capable of winnign races in 2003-2005 around that time.

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